Advice: Price suggestions, overall improvements?

Advice: Price suggestions, overall improvements?

Hi all,

This is a great tool especially for beginners such as us. We started off with this as a way to attract professionals through FF (I dont know if I'm allowed to talk about them here). A couple of our friends that do use FF said it was the way to go and people would be 'fighting' to get into our place. Well, we used them for ~3 weeks with absolutely no hits and us reaching even reaching out to possible tenants. Those same friends, emphatically told us to stay away from Airbnb. Well, with no income and starting to get discouraged, we took a chance on Airbnb. All I can say in one word is 'wow.' It has truly taken off for us. That is what led me here. Airbnb is fun, no lie and honestly I think it would be much more fun than FF.
After that long-winded intro, now is why I'm here. Ok, so far we have not had a single empty night since getting on Airbnb. There is no way I got everything right, but we haven't had a night 'off.' Which makes me think I listed my unit for entirely too cheap. I tried to get on AirDNA to get some insights, but they informed us we hadn't been on there long enough to glean any information. So, I'm here trying to see what feedback I can get from seasoned veterans. If not too much of a bother, please take a look at my place:

Please give me thoughts, ideas, feedback, etc. I think my price is too low, but we are just starting out and we want this to snowball to where we can upgrade even more to make it nicer, and well get more bang for our buck. Or is it buck for our bang?

I thank you in advance.




3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Your best bet would be logon to ABB as a guest and shop for a listing same size as your listing and see what the competition is charging.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Anthony2339 😊

It’s fantastic to hear that Airbnb has been such a success for you! 😍


Regarding your pricing and feedback, it's great that you're open to suggestions. Pricing can indeed be tricky.


I’ll mention other Hosts: @Angela1056@Joan2709 and @Karen114 who might have some valuable insights on this topic.

Warm regards🌻,


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center


@Marie8425 has provided a good suggestion to view other similar listings and review their prices and cleaning fees to see if you are competitive. I would only choose listings that have a 4.8 or higher and lots of reviews. Check their calendars and see if they are booked well. This will give you a good idea of overall pricing.


You can also use the "View Similar Listings" Tool on the calendar. Just be aware that "similar" doesn't necessarily mean exactly the same number of bedrooms or amenities. However, it can be a good general pricing tool. 


Go to your Calendar

Select some dates you are interested in

In the right panel choose View Similar Listings

A Map will appear showing booked and unbooked listings and the prices






You may also choose to look into a dynamic pricing software tool like PriceLabs, Beyond Pricing or Wheelhouse.