Avoid this REBL rental company

Level 2
Scottsdale, AZ

Avoid this REBL rental company

If you are planning to have someone or a company managed your property, avoid this company REBL**


This is irresponsible company. This company managed a friend's house. Few days before contract ended, we walked through the house and found out that the house interiors were modified without owners' consent. Inside and outside furnitures were missing. We insisted them to restore missing items. They are not responsive and not doing anything. On the day the contract ended, we could not go inside because there were guests occupying the property. The guest told us that they booked through REBL. We took the video of it as a proof. When the owner talked to the REBL, they told us that they have no idea about the booking. It's 100% lie straight to the face. 


The company is not paying the owner for a few months in the past.


We have no idea what to do with the situation. Any idea would be great appreciated on how to deal and take action against the company.




**[Link removed by Community Manager - please see Community Center Guidelines for more information] 

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Zaw17, thank you so much for sharing this in our community; it will be helpful for future Hosts in similar situations.


I would suggest joining the Local Host Club closest to your area to exchange ideas and see if other fellow hosts have encountered similar situations and how they have managed them.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

@Zaw17. Hi Zaw. I’m sorry this has happened to your friend but they need to get a lawyer involved to review the contract and sue to recover any funds and damages. It sounds like they gave them free reign (within the terms) to sub let the property and make changes, as opposed to simply hosting it for them.


This is yet another example of the dark side of Arbitrage STR imo. Owners should always read everything before signing and not be lured by promises of higher returns than they themselves could have got if hosting, or even hiring a co host.


Try and locate any other platform listings with this company and make formal complaints as well as broadcast on social media. Maybe other victims will come forward.


Good luck.

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Zaw17 


Not sure what your role is in this situation but presumably your friend and yourself have reviewed the contract with the management company. 

why has your friend waited a few months before taking action to recover missing payments ? 

your friend should be taking professional legal advice. It's lovely of you to try and help but your friend needs a lawyer @Zaw17