I would appreciate if anyone can recommend some great cleani...
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I would appreciate if anyone can recommend some great cleaning individual or company near ucf east orlando
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Nor to sonds crazy but the people looking to block you business ans make you lose money , these tend to be the same guest I have that ask to pay cash.... have started stealing items helping themselves to food and beverages without asking so at this point I've installed security cameras in my living room and my kitchen watching these so that when I make a support request it is not an issue plus I do a pre-check and video showing all the items that I provide in the listing as they are starting to steal items as well after you refuse to accept cash for additional nights
Dustin222 A very quick road to suspension is having cameras inside your home. Many of your other issues have been dealt with previously so pop a memo in above and a wealth of information should be available to you to read at your leisure from many hosts , but do read the Airbnb guide to camersas and guests privacy... H
@Dustin222 , I agree with @Helen744 , interior cameras are a big no-no and will get your listing suspended asap. It may take weeks until the Airbnb safety team to conclude their investigation. Remove the cameras before you are reported/flagged.
No they are not , per community guidelines you can. Also I have already discussed this with airbnb and have no issues .
You can have them where their is "reasonable expectation of privacy" so that would be bathrooms and bedrooms any public or common areas which I do live in the home and I am on the recordings as well is totally legal per my area and my County's laws as well as Airbnb guidelines.
@Dustin222 I hope that you mean 'cannot ' have them where there is reasonable expectation of privacy... H
Of course I do it was definitely a typo or I'm just some you know creepy people in Tom telling on myself here but I guess we would all have to expect in this era which I shouldn't expect from anyone is to use reasonable sense
But this also points out to the idiocy of the Airbnb platform and how you can't edit your post after you click the post button. you know it's my mistake because I probably should read my statements a little bit more before I post them but I tend to use voice to text for a lot of things because I don't like typing and so errors come along with that.
@Dustin222 I know lots of people take pictures or make a video. I just wonder how detailed they need to be. My places are big. People often claim something was already broken but I am not going to take a video of every seat cushion, every cup etc.
@Inna22 a few quick pics after final run through and before guest arrival is all you need with time stamp... H
What a horrible situation to find yourself in @Dustin222
I have hosted in a home-share for eight years - have had hundreds of guests and have never had guests steal food or drink.
I wouldn't dream of installing cameras in shared living spaces as it feels intrusive and will put guests off from booking with you.
And as others have pointed out it's irrelevant whether Airbnb says you can have them. This forum is littered with examples of hosts who have their listings suspended because of guest safety complaints about CCTV . Use the search function on this community and you will find them.
In your situation I'd focus on reviewing how you vet your guests so that you weed out those likely to behave badly.