Hot tub

Level 2
Las Vegas, NV

Hot tub

Hello all.

i was truly considering getting a hot tub. Reading the messages it sounds like it would be great to add. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Laurene23 ,


I have a hot tub in Venice and I have to say that my guests, especially those from the US, really appreciate it.


In the end it was a great investment 😉



Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Laurene23


Adding new amenities to your listing can definitely work wonders! Have you decided to ahead or are you still unsure? Perhaps if you let us know what makes you hesitate, other hosts could weigh in with their experiences. 🙂


You might have seen it already, but I wanted to share this discussion as well where many share their perspective on hot tubs in listings: Do you have a hot tub in your listing?






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