How is our listing

Level 2
Copenhagen, Denmark

How is our listing



we haven’t rented our space before. How does it look? How do we attract good reliable traction? What can we improve?


Also it seems that when people search for the property it doesn’t appear on the map. Is there a reason for this?


Thanks in advance,


Lisbeth and Anders

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Lisbeth79 ,


I took a quick look at your listing and it seems to me that the photos are a little dark, I think you could improve them, here are some tips on how to best photograph your home:


good luck!



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Lisbeth79 😊

Welcome to the community center, and thank you for asking for a listing critique.

I wish you all the best on this journey! 🎉


Did you notice Andrea's comment? What do you think of his suggestions?

I’m mentioning other hosts who may provide more suggestions: @Guy991@Karen114@Jamie600@Peter4167 and @Greg2406


Thank you in advance everyone!

Warm regards, 🌻



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

We are reading all of these recommendations and they are great, thanks so so much!! Keep them coming please as we have no experience with this. All inputs are super welcome, even constructive criticism. Thanks peers!!

Top Contributor
Bolton, MA

@Lisbeth79  Hi there ! The space has a lot of potential. Is it customary for guests to make their own beds in Denmark? 
The pics are a little dark and sterile looking. 
I would add artwork, rugs, plants, bedside tables and lamps coffee table. 

I would also add pics of local places to visit and attractions. People aren’t visiting Denmark to stay at your place, your place is ancillary to their visit. 

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Hello @Lisbeth79 ,

Respectfully, there are too many things to list, so I strongly suggest staying at this property for three consecutive nights to see firsthand what’s missing and what could enhance the space to make it feel like a cozy home away from home. I’d be happy to share some ideas, but nothing compares to experiencing it yourself. For example, a dining table is missing, and although a microwave is listed in the amenities, it’s nowhere to be found. The list could go on, but a firsthand stay would be the most effective way to identify improvements. In addition, you may want to look at competitors around you to see how their spaces are prepared for hosting.

all the best,