Need help with my listing

Level 2
Aurora, CO

Need help with my listing

Hi Everyone. We are hosting our River front cabin in Idaho Springs for almost a year and we are not doing so well with our booking. Wondering if someone with more experience can help us improve our listing!

View on AirbnbCabin in Idaho Springs · ★5.0 · 3 bedrooms · 4 beds · 2 bathrooms

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @James3858 


I have a few suggestions for you to consider:


==>Go through your pictures as if you were a guest and you'll notice that there are some doubles in the selection and it doesn't flow to be honest.


==>Your first five pictures are the most important so I would include some of what you're offering to potential guests.  Currently all 5 are of the beautiful outside area


==>When I click on your photos, I see a lot of scenery shots and then a few of the inside and then back to outside shots.  Arrange your photos as if you were taking your guests on a tour of the cabin and write captions under the photos too to describe the area or what you offer.


==>Your listing says two bathrooms but I seem to recall I only saw one picture.


==>Take photos in landscape mode rather than in portrait mode as this gives a better idea of size.


==>There is a photo of one of the bedrooms with the four pillows in a row and it doesn't look very tidy.  Great that you offer four but I would place them in the way hotels do, one behind the other, two by two.


By tweeking your listing, this is going to show the algorithm that you're an active host and it should boost your placement in the search results.


==>Read through your description and see if you can make any improvements there.


OK that's all for now I think James, over and out😉

All the best
