New to hosting

New to hosting

Dear community, I'm new to hosting and would very much like to get your thoughts and recommendations on how to kick off and have more bookings for our guest house unit. I have played around with different price points and running the promotions as well. Any thoughts or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. 




Thank you in advance.



[Content updated by Community Manager]

22 Replies 22

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Since we live very close to the university and college town often folks try to book the place for parties or other social events. I prefer to stay with an experienced guest so I know who is booking and why. 

The house has 3 bedrooms but only two rooms with beds so I think it's more accurate to list as 3 bedrooms with 2 full baths instead of 2 bedrooms. What do you think?

Level 2
Placerville, CA

@Ladan38 You have a beautiful place. I would lower the price. You can set a reasonable price for 2 people and charge extra for an extra person. 

I would add more color to your rooms. I suggest a better work space. Also some lush patio furniture. 

I add soda, water,coffee,,tea,  fruit and breakfast goodies for my guests. 

Thank you so much for your thoughts and feedback. Some great suggestions.

Hello @Ladan38 !

I agree with what others said on PriceLabs. It is so great for pricing- for example my property is near a university and PriceLabs knew when homecoming weekend was and adjusted the price (way up) accordingly! 

I also would add a welcome basket and coffee service and include some photos of that. 

I got some advice from a superhost that the cover photo should be something that no other property has, so I used an exterior shot with all my included beach gear set up and ready to go. 

Good luck! 

Hi Jessica, thank you for taking the time and share your thoughts and feedback. Yes, I have started exploring Price Lab and since we're very close to the University of Berkeley it's been a great help. I do love the welcome basket idea as well. If you have any ideas as to what I should include in the welcome basket since we're close to the university and football season is starting please do share.


I chose the SF Bay view for the cover image because I thought that's what makes this place very magical and different from others.

Dear @Ladan38 


Documention photographique très riche, 

Description précise.


Je réagi sans doute culturellement comme un français :

Une photo des lits ou des salles de bain avec des serviettes de toilettes pour montrer leur présence.

Les photos brumeuses de la baie n'apporte rien, et pourraient être mises de côté.


Votre logement est superbe !!!

Ajouter  peut être une photo avec  un bouquet de fleur sur une table pour le rendre plus vivant, ou un simple livre ou jeux de société.


Bien a vous 




Very rich photographic documentation, 

Accurate description.


I probably react culturally like a French person:

A photo of the beds or bathrooms with towels to show their presence.

The foggy photos of the bay add nothing, and could be put aside.


Your accommodation is superb!!!

Add maybe a photo with a bouquet of flowers on a table to make it more lively, or a simple book or board game.


Yours sincerely, 


[Google translation added by OCM]


Thank you for taking the time and share your thoughts. Very much appreciated.