Hi, can you recommend what type of sheets and bedding covers...
Hi, can you recommend what type of sheets and bedding covers and towels are best? Eg Hotel standard, Egyptian cotton etc? Any...
There is now a HUGE number of people who are fragrance-sensitive or have MCS. I'm one of them.
The odours of conventional cleaning products, air fresheners, dryer sheets, etc. make me sick. They give me headaches, burning eyes, feelings of tightness and tingling, respiratory irritation, heart palpitations, nausea, dry mouth and many other symptoms. I've had more than one vacation ruined by fragranced bedrooms that were making me ill. Surveys indicate that about one-third of the population in the US and other countries is fragrance-sensitive or has MCS or prefers fragrance-free spaces.
Please AirBnB stop ignoring this incredibly large group of people. You currently have filters for 13 different accessibility features. Could you PLEASE add another one, "fragrance-free"? Fragrance-free properties actually exist, it's just that you can't easily find them, at least not on the airbnb site itself. (Google search can be used as a workaround, but it's far from perfect.) Thanks!
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to thank you all for your comments on this matter. It's been really insightful to read all of your perspectives, and I've made sure to pass on all your feedback and suggestions to our teams!
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Emilie, I would be glad to compile a list of actions hosts can take to begin to qualify as fragrance-free and chemical-free. Unfortunately, one cannot use "air freshener" plug-ins, deodorizers, fragranced trash bags, Lysol, Tide and Downy* for laundering one day and then make a switch to fragrance-free products. All linens, the mattresses, carpets, draperies, upholsteries, etc are permeated with fragrance. There are products to "help" strip odors from washable cottons, but synthetic blends (think mattress covers w elasticized skirts and fiberfill) are still going to contain fragrance after a year of laundering. Mattresses, rugs, carpets, upholstered furniture? Still goina be fragrant.
*Fabric softeners, even fragrance-free versions are highly toxic and emit an odor as offensive as synthetic fragrance.
I like this idea. I can see this being a great option. Something along this line is great for guests. I am allergic to many scents and I can be miserable! I would love to know this without asking the host.
I've been asking for this for years. They don't care. It would be so easy to add it as a filter, but when is life with MCS ever easy? Thanks for the post.
Unfortunately, as part of chronic illness I developed several yeara ago, I became EXTREMELY chemically sensitive to things like conventional cleaning products, dryer sheets and air fresheners. Most of those things are all but impossible to avoid in large hotel/motel chains and even B&B's which makes travel super challenging.
Having a chemical-free/low fragrance filter for Airbnb listings would be nothing short of a life saver for me and many others who are chemically/environmentally sensitive.
Yes. Yes. FF filter SO needed! I’ve tried to filter on my own and it’s exhausting and tricky. I would stay any place that advertised fragrance free.
Yes, please.
Yes, please add "Fragrance free" and explain to the hosts what this actually means. It is important to explicitly detail that it includes cleaning products, plug in air fresheners, soaps.... and that even essential oils or natural scents can trigger MCS symptoms.
In addition, could there also be a filter for newly renovated or newly painted units (i.e. within the last 2 to 3 years) please? I have gotten very sick from recently painted/renovated (especially with laminate flooring) units even within the last 2+ years.
As MCS is considered a disability in some countries (e.g. Canada), this could be considered reasonable accommodation. At the very least, if some of this information it is already clearly listed, it will save time and effort on the part of the hosts (from answering questions) as well.
It will also encourage us to travel more, thereby increasing revenue for both hosts and AirBnB.
Thank you very much. This would be greatly appreciated and make a huge difference to our health and our lives, and hopefully to the bottom line of the hosts and AirBnB.
I just sold my chemical-Free and manual off/on button for wifi Airbnb, and so many people loved it and commented. I tried for years to request that Airbnb start to categorize topics of interest for people with challenges regarding fragrances and wireless radiation.....etc. They never put any effort into my request. I am so very happy to see this, and I plan to have another Airbnb and provide this again.
Where is your Airbnb I’m looking for fragrance free Airbnb somewhere warm, like Florida or California or Costa Rica or for summer Minnesota lakes
Thank you very much. This would be greatly appreciated and make a huge difference to our health and our lives, and hopefully to the bottom line of the hosts and AirBnB. [Advertisement hidden]
Please make the option for WiFi in an Airbnb to be a filter so that people can have the option to have a manual on/off button. I had this in my Airbnb...... and people loved this option. I also had a "fragrance free" space, and people love that also. High emitting radiation harms every living thing on Mother Earth, and toxic chemicals from products harm every living thing also.. Thank you. Gloria Frank "Safe Technology Educator"- "Chemical Free Activist".
Glad to see this topic in this thread as MOST EMF sensitives experienced chemical sensitivities before recognizing the symptoms of EHS as I did. Have been in treatment for breast cancer for past year. Just had surgery, but must be super vigilant as I am still in treatment.
Yes I agree, a fragrance free filter and education to hosts about multiple chemical sensitivity would help people who suffer from mcs have a easier time to find accomodations.
YES! I came here to post the same thing and saw someone already had. Every time I find something I think I might like to reserve I have to message the host to ask, then explain exactly what I mean by "fragrance or scent free". It takes forever. I'd even be good with "artificial scent-free" option, but I know many people react even to natural scents. So maybe both options for filters!