Reversal of "Opportunity"

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Reversal of "Opportunity"

By way of an edit....I was exploring "Opportunities" and I just ticked 'free parking' since this is possible on the opposite side of our street... but in the Listing it has turned up as being within the property.  Blast! How do I get rid of it.....??????? HELP Panic would be a serious misrepresentation!! Its all very well being able to add info but may we also please be able to remove it.....

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mary996 Go to listing details then amenities - They are all there for editing.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Mary996  Don't panic, you can leave it. Free parking on premises means " free parking nearby" it doesn't mean it has to be in your yard. ( It was a thread about it here on CC a few years ago)

But this seems to be an updated version... so panic still on @Branka-and-Silvia0 ... may try your suggestion @Mike-And-Jane0 .

Many thanks to you all for replying xxx

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Free parking on premises
Free on-street parking
This is how it looks and the  two options have been distinguished. Phew rid of the misleading description. Many thanks @Mike-And-Jane0  you get the gold star on this occasion!!
Thanks @Branka-and-Silvia0 has changed again and a distinction is made so I've corrected it. Phew!
Level 10
Redmond, OR

Yes, you go to edit, scroll to the section where you found the parking details and un-click the item. Removed.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

Many thanks indeed for replying @Susan990 .... really appreciate you coming in. How are you? Yes I fixed it... but what a panic!! Haha xx