The reviews and ratings belong to you as the host. @Andrea4872
You can't transfer your bookings to a new host as guests booked with you in good faith based on your reviews and style of hosting.
what most hosts who are selling a property do when they know they are selling is block off your calendar for longer term bookings so you don't accept booking you know you are likely not to be able to honour.
the new owner can then set up their own listing and start to take bookings in their name for when they know they will be able to operate.
you need to contact your upcoming guests and advise them you have sold the property and let them know the new owner is continuing the business so they could rebook with them.
speak to Airbnb and see if they will help with these guest cancellations or you may have financial penalties for cancelling bookings you can't honour .
when I sold my house I only opened my calendar for three months in advance to avoid taking bookings i might not be around to host .