What TV and sound system to install?

What TV and sound system to install?

Hey everyone, I’m planning to start hosting in my newly refurbished 850 sq. foot loft apartment in central London and am looking for advice on what TV and sound system to install. I’m currently considering an Amazon TV paired with an Echo setup, but I’m concerned about needing a separate account so guests can’t order stuff on my Prime. Any suggestions or recommendations on brands that integrate well and offer a good experience for guests? Cheers!"


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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


I have found most Guests have sume sort of streaming account of their own.  I jusi offer a smart tv and wi-fi.  Nobody has had a problem. 

Top Contributor
Bolton, MA

@Syed-Saqib-Abbas0  We use smart TVs in that operate off of WiFi. Guests can log into whatever streaming services they use at home such as Netflix etc. most are OK with this however our mature guests do struggle as they may be used to full on cable services at home. 
I don’t subscribe to any services for guest use and it’s been OK with the exception of a few complaints from the mature crowd. 
