The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hello everyone,
Our technical team is always working hard behind the scenes to make the CC the best it can be. Today, we have exciting news:
We have introduced emojis in the Community Center!
Gone are the days where you had to use punctuation to emulate emotion! Now, whenever you type, click the little smiley face to see a selection of emoticons and add them to your posts.
What better way to celebrate emojis' arrival than a game? I know many of you enjoyed the summer destinations word search game and I couldn't wait to share this one with you!
Are you a movie buff? Can you speak fluent emoji? Take our movie quiz and find the movies the emojis represent!
One thing to keep in mind: in many countries around the world movie titles get translated, but the quiz was made according to the original US or UK titles. And as always, let’s have one guess each time so more people can play.
Have fun! 😉
could have been... but no (I think I'm gonna get bullied for that one) 😅@Branka-and-Silvia0
Only one left to go
15. 🚗💨 @Nick Nick Does a Runner from Cranky Hosts (movie currently in production) 😜
DING DING DING! *imitating bell sounds*
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner! @Ann72 Gone with the Wind it is!
I was about to write another hint now, like it was just pulled out of HBO or it has this huge grossing or maybe even it's catchphrase, but you made my life so much easier Ann. Thank you!
That was it everyone, hope you all enjoyed it. Off to the next one. I believe @Liv and @Stephanie have a good one to keep you guessing 🙂
Final list
@Nick Ha, thank you!
The funny thing is - when I saw the title of your post, I thought we'd have to come up with the emoji titles ourselves, and the very first thing I thought was, "How would I do Gone With The Wind?"
Then I scrolled through the pages to see if there were any unsolved questions, and I couldn't believe it when I looked at the sole remaining one! Very clever depiction of the title, Nick, I never would have thought of that!
I'll just leave you all with one of the birthday gifts I got this week - he's been my ideal man since I first read the book at 13 lol. (Unfortunately, I didn't get him as a gift - only his picture.)
Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in GWTW
Great minds think alike @Ann72
Actually a reverse emoji game the way you described it sounds like a pretty good idea. I'll send you the answer due to copyright reasons 🙂 oh, and also as a Happy Birthday gift! ❤️
Hey there!
**[solicitation removed inline with - Community Center Guidelines]
But, to be serious, it`s a really awesome idea to create all of them:)
And this game, It was hard to guess all of them...
What will be next?
Guys, thank you so much
You make this ""post"" word better.
Oh how clever to you both for the emoji and your answer.
These actors /actresses of that era certainly had that charisma and elegance, even their fashion style is timeless.
Easy to see how hearts melted looking at your birthday gift.
‘Cheers ‘ to you and ‘thanks’ Nick for the game. 🍾🥂
Hello everybody!)))