Hey everyone,
I thought it would be cool for us to have some light-hearted fun while getting to know community members a bit better 😊
With that in mind, I came up with a quick quiz for us to find out more about your hosting personality.
Here it is:
1. How do you start your day? 🌞
- Having a lovely healthy breakfast and doing some yoga.
- Rolling up your sleeves to get some hard work done.
- You’re awake at the crack of dawn to add things to your list.
- The day doesn’t start until you’ve read the news and checked the CC.
- Who knows? Every day is different!
- A guest has made some minor scratches on a piece of furniture. How do you handle it? 🔨
- You reassure the guest that accidents happen and that you’re not upset at them.
- There’s no damage you can’t fix yourself. You just need to get your toolbox.
- 2 minutes after learning of the damage, you have already reached out to Airbnb and talked to a carpenter about the repair.
- You quickly log in to the Airbnb Resource Center and start doing some research on the best course of action.
- You invite the guest to go furniture shopping with you. Their treat.
- How do you enjoy some time off from hosting (lockdown permitting)? 🏝
- A relaxing day at a spa seems about right for you.
- Binge watching DIY tutorials online.
- Is this a joke? You enjoy being busy and don’t take time off.
- Vacation is always a great opportunity to lose yourself in your book collection.
- You’re either skydiving in New Zealand or going hiking at Yosemite. You’ll see.
- You have just been awarded with a Superhost badge for the first time. How are you celebrating? 🕺
- You’re thanking everyone that has helped you get there and thinking of how grateful you are for your accomplishment.
- You’re treating yourself to a brand new armchair. Made by you, obviously.
- You’re almost done planning a party. You just need to call the caterer and double check something with the balloon delivery guy.
- You do the math to see how you’ve earned the badge and to find out what numbers you’ll need to keep it.
- I’ll see where the night takes me.
- You’re about to create your listing. What is your approach? 👩💻
- No need to overthink it, you’ll just write what comes to mind.
- You do some last minute touch ups on your place so it looks great in the pictures.
- You have prepared a checklist of everything you need to make clear to guests so you don’t forget anything.
- You search for listings similar to yours on the Airbnb website to get a better idea of the best way to go about it.
- You’ll only write it when you feel inspired.
Now you can check your answers to find out your result! 🤓 📝
Mostly A’s: the zen host

No matter what life throws your way, you just take a deep breath, visualize flowers and rainbows and calmly carry on. No hosting disaster or demanding guest can make you lose your temper, you’re always tranquil and positive even in the eye of the storm. 😎
Mostly B’s: the fixer upper

DIY should be your middle name. If something needs fixing, you’re the person to call. You’re always coming up with different projects to improve your listing. If it involves a hammer, you’re in. 👨🏭
Mostly C’s: the multitasker

If you don’t manage more than one listing already, you certainly could. From cleaning to finances, you’re very used to juggling multiple tasks at once. Even though sometimes you feel overwhelmed, you always push it through! 🏂
Mostly D’s: the genius

If there were standardised tests on hosting, you’d most likely ace them all. You’re curious and always eager to learn more. You spend lots of time on research and enjoy using your Airbnb knowledge to help fellow hosts. 👨🏫
Mostly E’s: the adventurous

Is routine a word? You honestly don’t know. You’re always trying different furniture arrangements and coming up with ways to mix things up. A guest invited you out? You’re in. A fellow host proposed a house swap? Why not? You only live once. 🤠
Which type of host are you? Do you agree with the result?
Don’t forget you can be a mix of different personalities, too!
Have fun,