The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hi everyone,
We haven’t had a game for a while, and I thought this one would be apt: in these times, we’re not travelling so much or so far, but what better opportunity to reminisce on our past adventures and have a bit of fun travelling virtually?
The name of the game here is to guess ‘where in the world’ the photo shows. It’s a cropped photo of a famous location… can you guess?
Whoever guesses correctly can then challenge us with a picture of their own to guess.
I’ll kick things off - I hope you enjoy 🙂
It's so fantastic that you both had this time together to explore the world (and Aus!) @Robin4
I notice that the motorhome pic is titled 'The Barbie Star traveller' - was this its moniker?
If you notice that pic Katie you will see a pink stripe down the side of the van. That pink strike exactly matched the colour of the children's 'Barbie' dolls and products at the time.....
So we called our motorhome, The Barbie Star traveler after, of course........Barbie's Star Traveller!
See there is method in our madness!!
I did subsequently change the colour of that strip to green, I felt a bit of a **bleep** driving a van with a lolly pink stripe on it
This one's HARD Ann, well done! I have no idea...
@Michelle53 @Yadira22 @Emilia42 @Robin4 anyone recognise this? 🤔
Oh my goodness. Tops of flagpoles ? Some kind of memorial ?
@Michelle53 You're a bit warm! Here's another shot with a tiny bit more detail.
This large and unique structure looks different from every angle.
@Ann72 I'll ponder that one for a bit.... (sorry for missing the tag last time - was multitasking)
EEhhh this is a challenging's somewhere where there is a clear blue sky so that rules out Beijing, Mumbai...doesn't narrow it down much.
Going to have to watch it evolve....great one Ann.
Ann, I am still assuming you are showing photos in your home town!
First day in NY after a lunch in Central Park we ended up at the Rockefeller Center ....had to get a picture or two of Radio City Music Hall, but every time I took the pic a bloody truck got in the way........
BUT, if I recall there is an ice rink at Rockefeller Centre and around that rink is a series of flagpoles!
Could your photo be those flagpoles at Rockefeller Centre?
That other woman in this photo is a friend of ours Sue Vincent, (South Australian hosts here will remember her husband John Vincent (Vinnie) who was a big deal radio announcer here in SA) who had lost her husband, but still liked to travel and came on this Colors of Canada cruise with us.
Sue is a lovely girl who (along with NY's young Afro/American males who were just wonderful) helped me look after Ade in spectacular fashion.
As nice as she is.........Sue can be a bit boring at times though.....
@Robin4 It's funny you should post this because I was thinking yesterday that I should write, "This structure was built after your last visit to New York, Rob!"
I love Rockefeller Center, too. My first job, as a lowly editorial assistant, was in the Scribner Building across Fifth Avenue from Rockefeller Center. The thrill of getting out of the subway under 30 Rock, taking the escalators up and walking out under the painting of "Time" on the ceiling of the lobby, skirting those flagpoles to walk along 49th Street to Fifth, looking up and down the avenue at all the flags flying while waiting for the light to change, then entering the iconic Beaux Arts building at 597, is with me to this day.
But alas, those are not the flagpoles at Rockefeller Center.
Zooming out one more time:
Ah, you gave it away with that last shot!!!'s ground Zero the building on the right is Freedom Tower!
Did you you know Ann, Freedom tower from it's base to the tip of it's spire is exactly 1,776 feet tall, the year that the USA gained independence.
We visited Ground Zero on the 9/9/ was as close as we could get to the anniversary of 9/11...... Can you pick out Ade and Sue!
We were allocated a half hour time-slot at 5.30 on the 9th to visit the site. After we came out we had an evening meal in a small cafe close to the memorial and when we came out into the street it was almost dark.
Being September it had been hot all that week in NY with temperatures in the 90's and very still....there was a heat haze that hung over the city at about the height that the top of the twin towers would have been!
I turned around and there were these two massive searchlight beams that pierced the night air straight up into space and as they penetrated the heat haze, they ballooned. I had to take a photo of it and I regard it as the best photo I have ever taken.
I still get goosebumps when I look at it!
M<y answer Ann, the 9/11 memorial sight!
@Robin4 Thank you for sharing your story of visiting the memorial, along with the great photos.
While the building on the right is indeed the Freedom Tower, it's the building on the left that's in question!
So keep going - you're almost there.
I will let someone else have a go at it from there, But 'O' Ann we are talking about familiar territory though. Someone else needs to have a crack at this one!
It was a wonderful two weeks in my life being there in the Big Apple.....
I wasn't mad about the way the NYPD was eyeing me off though!!!!!