The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise fr...
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The Host Advisory Board members pictured above, clockwise from top left, are: Zamani Khumalo, Geoff Gedge, Arturo Blas, Anse...
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Hi everyone,
We haven’t had a game for a while, and I thought this one would be apt: in these times, we’re not travelling so much or so far, but what better opportunity to reminisce on our past adventures and have a bit of fun travelling virtually?
The name of the game here is to guess ‘where in the world’ the photo shows. It’s a cropped photo of a famous location… can you guess?
Whoever guesses correctly can then challenge us with a picture of their own to guess.
I’ll kick things off - I hope you enjoy 🙂
@Sandra126 ....Well bloody hell, that didn't go far did it...
You are spot on Sandra, it's the beachfront at Nice in France
We Aussies have to laugh when we see 'river creek beds' classified as premium beachfront, but there you go.
When were you there Sandra?
Hey, well done getting on top of COVID , we are proud of you.
Lucky guess, there are not many famous pebble beaches...
Here I was thinking I had put up a challenging photo.....right, next time the information you are going to get will be three quarters of nine tenths of bugger all 🤔
@Robin4 Haha 😉 Since you said it was a famous place, and Nice is pretty famous for its stony beaches, it wasn't too hard, if one has been there. If one hasn't been there, it would totally be a head-scratcher.
Yeah, doesn't pay to be helpful does it Michelle, you gave yours away with a shot of the entire gondola. It wasn't hard to track down an image from that ....
next time my turn comes around mate, they won't get cake.....they will get chaff!
@Sandra126 @Michelle53 I can't believe you got this so quickly! You really do have an incredibly keen eye, well done!
Ok, I've been slacking over the weekend so I'll provide another photo for you to guess: I've tried to get a good angle which is distinctive but also quite zoomed in so as to be challenging...
Where in the world is this?
Wow, looks depressing, at this stage it looks to me like a Holocaust memorial, but don't know which one or where! Maybe Cambodian there are lots of gruesome scenes of death from the period of the Kmer Rouge!
@Ann72 @Michelle53 Haha ok the crop worked! So @Robin4 has the right continent when he suggested Cambodia, and the right part of the continent, but not quite the right country...
Yeah the crop worked alright!
The picture doesn't look peaceful, friendly, it has anguish written all over it and trying to pin it down is a problem because all of those countries have been through the sort of turmoil that would result in a photo like that. I thought about Pol Pot in Vietnam! We saw so much aftermath of death and misery in Vietnam....
We saw just so many bones of these lovely gentle people that you wonder how on earth could this have happened....
The poverty was just appalling.
We went to a temple in Phu My and there were about a dozen women out the front making conical hats that the Vietnamese wear in the rice paddies.....
The hats were $1.50 US. I picked out one woman and I put up 2 fingers for two hats! She passed them to me and I palmed to her a folded up $20 US note. She looked at it and went to give me the change and I ever so slightly just waved my finger. I hope that whoever was the brains behind this was not in the background and did not see. She looked up at me and started to cry....that would have been a months wages for her and I hope that she actually got to keep it. We just don't realise how poor some of these Asian countries are!
I also thought about Nagasaki Katie, maybe there is a memorial there that we missed that included those hands.
Katie, you have me stumped at this stage!
@Katie @Robin4 I just have to say I think Rob is brilliant for quickly getting to the right part of the world. I'm still stumped but the exchange is great. Thanks for the Vietnam stories, Rob!
In Hanoi, my daughter and I went to the Vietnamese History Museum. After awhile I found it hard to take and went out to the courtyard for a break. Two British tourists came up to me and straight out asked, "As an American, did you feel terrible when you were going through it?" I wasn't at all outraged by their question. They seemed genuinely interested to know, so it didn't feel like an attack. And of course, the answer was, "Yes, I did." I chose not to engage them in a conversation about British colonialism, however. 🙂
Your post got me going through photos of that trip. I loved our rickshaw tour of old Hanoi, but don't have great photos since we were constantly moving. Afterward, I saw this barbershop and thought it was so touching. From the history museum I found that even a fragment of a bowl used by one of the early communist leaders was valued, and that carried over into a society that was brilliant at making do with utter simplicity:
(I can't rotate it although when I put it in it was straight :()
Every day, everywhere we have been, there is a lovely story Ann. I am so lucky to have lived the life I have lived.
Have a look at this on our balcony having dinner as we leave Hong Kong through Victoria harbor!
Just wish Ade would wear another top!
You have to realise, travel is the worst thing you can get me on Ann, I am soooo passionate about it!
Ah, you talk about rickshaw's Ann .....I had to get a photo of this Tuk Tuk in Nicaragua ......and that is our elder daughter Sarah sitting in it...the one on the bottom that ended up with the driver between her knees!!!!!
It's the Stiletto Tuk Tuk!
Now wouldn't that be a hit around the streets on NY!!