We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the update...
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We’ve noticed a lot of discussion lately about the updated Superhost criteria, so we wanted to explain why we made this up...
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Our Hosts are the heart and soul of Airbnb. Listening to you is central to our work, and it is your feedback that led us to update our Host protection programs and create AirCover—top-to-bottom protection, free for every Host, only on Airbnb.
You’ve told us in listening sessions, during workshops, on the Community Center, and through the Host Advisory Board that you needed more protection: What if a guest smokes in your space without permission, and you need special cleaning? What if a guest’s dog makes a snack of your sofa, and you need to repair it?
You’ve also told us that the reimbursement process isn’t always straightforward, and it was stressful to get your reimbursement requests submitted before your next guest checked in.
We heard you, and we’re happy to share AirCover. In addition to $1 million in liability protection, AirCover expands the $1 million in damage protection Hosts get, with new coverage for pet damage, deep cleaning, and more.
Head to the Resource Center to get all the details, and then tell us: What do you think about AirCover?
AirCover sounds great! But will airbnb provide us with a Certificate of Liability Insurance? I need this for one of my airbnb listings, which is in a commercial building that I don't own. Is there a link somewhere to download a copy of that certificate?
Hiya @Dirk-and-Jaq0 ,
Great question - I've got the following information around Liability:
Does AirCover replace the need for additional liability insurance?
While AirCover protects you while you’re hosting an Airbnb stay or Experience, it is not a substitute for personal insurance. Since everyone’s situation is different, you should talk to your insurer to see how, or if, your policy overlaps with AirCover.
I hope that covers your question!
Thx, but my question is: will airbnb provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance? This is a standard 1-page document the insurance company provides when you are actually covered.
retracting my previous comment (it wouldn't let me delete it).
What did you say @Christine615....??!
We do need insurance but if its free its not going to be effective.
I've been wondering about possible group insurance along with others vested in minimising claims for the overall good. xx
@Mary996I originally commented that our city licensing didn't accept "Host Guarantee" as a substitute for liability insurance. We were fine because we've had a liability umbrella on the building for decades when it was a regular rental. So I was inquiring how Airbnb would prove there was a new policy.
But then I read the AirCover page and it does seem as if it covers guest accidents, injury, etc. If so, @Dirk-and-Jaq0 was correct in asking if Airbnb would be able to provide a certificate of insurance liability.
But I suspect that can't happen because it's a blanket policy rather than a "home specific" policy.
So Stephanie, what did you find and how do all hosts access such a liability certificate?
hahah what a joke.
Sounds like AirCover is pretty much the same type of coverage as before, and doesn’t take the place of my current insurance. I need coverage that shows my landlord as an additional insured. Oh well, it was exciting for a few minutes…
@Dirk-and-Jaq0As it always goes with Airbnb, they are masters at smoke and mirrors. Thing is, the smoke clears pretty quickly. Air Cover is simply the same old Host Guarantee program, rebranded, with a few things added. And while those few additions are definitely nice, they are meaningless, as they’ve not changed the process for claims. The guest is still free to simply say ‘nah’ when sent a request for damages. It still then passes to Airbnb, who historically tends to say the same thing. As long as that hasn’t changed, it’s business as usual. As regards the insurance/liability side of the program, it seems no changes were made.
Thanks @Colleen253
I have been considering insurance and had quite a long public discussion with another member from France. Would love to notify him about this chat too. I think its difficult for Airbnb to underwrite us in the current arrangement but appreciate that there is the will to do so and therefore am touched by the generousity of this. I suppose it all depends on who in turn underwrites the company. And of course how to address conflict of interest arising if claims are over-inflated, repetitious or even not genuine as this would negatively affect the rest of us. Some incentive to minimise claims from our side might help which is where the Review system has great value to all... helping to keep out the careless and negligent till they decide its in their interest to be considerate and respectful too.
But yes @Colleen253 that is the crux of the issue the Guest can merely decline.
I've been looking at a service which provides a refundable deposit collection. Will come back with more details but it doesn't suit me as contact is through email, messenger or other identifying system between Guest and Host and I really like Airbnbs go between role. Will dig out the link anyway as might suit others.
I now also want passport numbers and photos!!!