Is your pet your co-host?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Is your pet your co-host?

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Hey everyone,


After the announcement of the new pet fee, I’ve seen lots of conversations going on in the Community about animals.


With that in mind, I think this is a great opportunity to celebrate non-human co-hosts - and to be honest, I can never pass up the chance to ask you for pet photos. 😸


I know lots of you mention your pets on your listings and some even feature lovely photos of them, but I would love to know more about your experience hosting with a pet.


Do your pets interact with guests? Have you got any nice stories - and photos - to share? 🐕





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56 Replies 56
Level 2
North Myrtle Beach, SC

Pet free


Level 2
Midland, TX

Yes, I have a older Doberman that is very sweet and all my guest love to hang out with Etta.  She stays outside during the nice days, but does come in at night to sleep in my room.  She loves to hang out on the back patio with guests if they go out there to hand out or smoke.  We watch tv in the living room with my permanent tenant, so guest sometimes spend time there too.

I have an older Doberman too! Trixie is very social as well but she can't hear well so if she gets a whiff of people before she sees them it alarms her so I am considering asking people to greet her when they arrive to help with the adjustment.

Level 8
Victorville, CA























































Levian my beautiful chocolate lab welcomes our guests and co-Superhosts with me🤩❣️

Omg! Her sweet little face. I used to have a chocolate labrador as well. We miss her terribly, unfortunately she passed 2 years ago to cancer 😞 With that said, I definitely would have co-Superhosted with my Coco as she would have loved to meet everyone!


@Nikki237 She is my baby girl that came into my life after I lost wonderful male chocolate Oakley to cancer 3 years previous.  I feel your words and heart❣️It gets better with time.   

Level 7
Toronto, Canada

We have guests who come because we have cats. The cats are always curious and enjoy getting the attention many guests lavish on them. pper in May.jpg

Level 8
Victorville, CA

I agree and that happens to me too.  I find that with some longer term guests it makes their stay more enjoyable as well.


Level 3
Hamilton, OH

Can you spot the co-host in this picture?

Trixie is very social but it really bugs her when she smells people but can't see who it is. She loves to meet new people.


Level 2
Blyth, United Kingdom

Is Trixie a Doberman? She is lovely 😍

Lol 😂 

Level 2
New Hampshire, United States


Leroy, my Siamese cat is my Supercohost.  He greets and races ahead to the room jumps on the bed and "this is for you".  Everyone loves him and he has his own reviews.  Pearl, my sweet little gray cat is mush more reserved and holds out for the really special her opinion.LeroyLeroyPearlPearl

Level 2
Port Perry, Canada

My dog greets our guests and they are told if  they dont want to interact with him then just ignore him and he will leave you alone.  However, most guests call him over and while staying play with him,  he also gets lots of mentions on our reviews.20180823_165437.jpg

I tell them the same.  The guest see her and interact anyway.  She really lets me know when they are coming in pretty much like a motion sensor, she is.   Now, the guest she “falls” for she is quiet as a mouse .  What give her away is when I no longer see her next to me or it’s too quiet.