Start your travel diary!

Level 4
Austin, TX

Start your travel diary!

Thanks for helping to shape the future of flexible living on Airbnb!


We'd like you to "take us with you" on your journey living on Airbnb. To help us step into your shoes and understand the key moments that impact your guest experience, you’ll create a digital diary using a third-party app called dscout, capturing content and answering questions along the way. Each entry should take you roughly 10-15 minutes.


By now you should have received an email invitation to join dscout. Please let us know via if for any reason that’s not the case.


How to use dscout: 

  • Search for an email  from where you’ve  been invited to the research (what dscout calls a "mission"). In the email, you’ll see a unique link to set up your account.
  • Next, download the dscout app onto your smartphone from Google Play or the App store.
  • Use the account information you just created to sign in. 
    1. Note that you must have an iPhone (running iOS 13 or newer) or an Android device (running 6.0 Lollipop or newer) to download the dscout app. If you don’t have a smartphone that supports dscout, please let Sara know, and we will figure out other arrangements.
  • Then, create your profile in the app. We would love for you to fill out as much as possible, including your age, location, and a profile picture of yourself!
  • Once you log in to the dscout app on your smartphone, look out for the “Live Anywhere on Airbnb Diary” mission on the 'Invites' tab, which contains additional details about the project.
  • Accept the mission, read the instructions, and select 'add entry' so you can open the set of questions you will need to answer.


When to submit diary entries (or “missions”):

  • You’ll submit an entry ASAP when you sign up for dscout. Please complete this “Introduction” mission by Monday at 10am EST.
  • Once you’ve completed the Introduction mission, you can start with your routine entries. 
  • You’ll submit diary entries at key moments of every stay
    • After completing your booking
    • After checking in
    • Mid-stay
    • Before checking out
  • If you've already booked your first stay, you can go ahead and submit that first booking entry!
  • (Optional) There’s a mission called “additional feedback” where you can provide any additional details throughout your journey. Please be sure to let us know  if you have any standout experiences! For example:
    • Customer service issue
    • Trouble finding a place to book
    • Issue with the quality of the home
    • Magical moment with the host or home


Who should submit diary entries:

If you’re embarking on this journey with multiple people, feel free to fill out the diary entries together! If travel companions have moments where they’d like to submit their own entry, they can feel free to do so from your account.


Who you should go to with questions:

  • If you have questions about the diary study, feel free to ask in this community space so everyone can benefit from seeing the answer
  • If you have a personal question, feel free to reach out to
  • If you have a technical question please reach out to


The primary purpose of the digital diary is for us to learn about your honest experience living on Airbnb. In the future, we may want to publish a few video clips externally; however we will reach out to you individually to review the content before we do that.

23 Replies 23
Level 4
Austin, TX

@Lindsey310 No, both of your videos are still "processing." I don't know why! Feel free to email them to me at and you can try dscout again for your next entry!

Level 3

Hi @Sara387 wanted to highlight that we can't download dscout on IOS as it's not available in our region (Singapore).

Is there another way to access the Missions/Questions? Perhaps we can record them and send them across first.

We'll be making our first booking soon!

Level 4
Austin, TX

@Hendric14 That's a bummer! Sorry about that. Let me get in touch with dscout and see if there's anything that can be done. If you aren't able to access dscout, I'll figure out another setup. 

Level 3

thank you!

Level 4
Austin, TX

@Hendric14 Dscout was able to make a quick fix. The app should now be available in Singapore! Let me know if you have any other issues!


For everyone else, as long as you keep the app downloaded on your phone, you shouldn't have any any issues recording your entries as you travel around the world.

Level 3

Hi @Sara387 not sure why but can't seem to access the app upon reaching croatia. Saw an access denied in the error message so unsure if Croatia is being blocked.


@Hendry1  Thanks for flagging this, Hendric! We'll look into this and get back to you ASAP. 

Level 4
Austin, TX

@Hendric14 - I'm sorry to hear that. Did you delete the app and are trying to redownload it now? Can you tell me how you got to this screen? That will help me give dscout the details they need.


Feel free to email me at and we can troubleshoot!

Level 3

Hey @Sara387 just emailed you!