5 review from guest disappeared and now says "waiting on guest review"

Level 2
Culver City, CA

5 review from guest disappeared and now says "waiting on guest review"

I received a 5 star review from a guest. She was a pretty awful guest. Long story short I left a polite review that stated she was polite, kept to herself but I think would be more comfortable in a hotel or a solo AirBnB rather than in a small house sharing with her host. Now, her five star review is gone. I thought you couldn't remove your review once you posted it? Obviously she was mad at my review but how is it possible that she can just remove hers completely? Why does it say "waiting on guest review." Surely she's not allowed to write another one complaining about me now that she's seen my review? Just weird. PS. My review of her is still up on her profile. 


4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kelly2247 Guests (and hosts) cannot edit their reviews but, due to an EU court ruling (I believe), they can get them removed entirely. Obviously once removed they cannot write another review. Your review will stay as only you can remove it.

Top Contributor
Stellenbosch, South Africa


Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Guests can not edit their reviews, but they can remove theirs. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Kelly2247,


Welcome to our community!


Have you had the opportunity to read our Hosts' comments? Are there any updates on this review? Building on our Hosts' comments, here is an article that can offer some additional insights: Removing a review.


I hope this helps.



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