Advice for our new listing. Views dropped significantly after first week.

Level 1
Maryville, TN

Advice for our new listing. Views dropped significantly after first week.

My wife and I are new to Airbnb.  We started listing our cabin in the Pigeon Forge area a few weeks ago.  When looking at the insights tab I can see that there was an initial huge spike in views that have since tapered off.  I know part of that is related to the promotional offer for new hosts and anticipated views to go down after our first 3 bookings which utilized that promotional offer.  We'd love advice on what other factors could be causing us to get so few views now.  Is it pricing, our photos, or something else.  I'd love to be able to compare our view to other similar properties in our area but that option doesn't appear to be available anymore thru the insights tab.  It will only show our views.  Is there a way to still compare our view with other similar properties in our area?  Any advice from more seasoned hosts would be welcome as we'd love to make our listing the best it can be. 


Thank you in advance.



2 Replies 2
Level 2



Hi Mark,


Welcome to the Airbnb hosting community! It's great to hear that you and your wife are hosting your cabin in the Pigeon Forge area. I've been hosting for a while, and I'd be happy to share some tips that might help you increase your views and bookings.


Firstly, high-quality photos are essential. Ensure your photos are bright, high-resolution, and showcase the best features of your cabin. Consider hiring a professional photographer if you haven't already. Additionally, make sure your listing title is catchy and highlights unique features of your property. Your description should be detailed and emphasize what makes your cabin special, such as its location, amenities, and nearby attractions.


Competitive pricing is crucial. Look at similar listings in your area and adjust your rates accordingly. Using Airbnb's Smart Pricing tool can help you stay competitive. Also, highlight any amenities you offer, such as free Wi-Fi, a hot tub, or a fireplace, as unique amenities can attract more guests.


Encouraging guests to leave reviews is important too. Positive reviews build credibility and attract more bookings. Follow up with guests after their stay to ask for feedback and a review. Additionally, use keywords in your title and description that potential guests might search for, like "cozy cabin," "Pigeon Forge," "mountain views," etc.


Regularly updating your calendar and adjusting your availability settings can also help, as Airbnb tends to favor active listings in their search results. Consider running promotions or discounts during off-peak seasons to attract more guests.


Unfortunately, Airbnb has limited the ability to compare views directly with other properties, but you can still manually compare your listing with others by searching for similar properties in your area and seeing how they present themselves.


I hope these tips help! Best of luck with your listing, and feel free to reach out if you have any more questions.


Warm regards,  




Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ



Don't refer yo bedroom that is a separate room with walls you have a very cute studio.  

In amenities double check it doesn't look like you are giving yourself enough kitchen credits.

I would charge the cover photo to your beautiful jacuzzi.  Tempt me haha

Same with your description ,amenities tells me you have dishes write a description to how you have a perfect romantic getaway,  You do it is lovely.  I Cheat and use a free tool like ChatGPt to write ad copy for me.

Your cabin is beautiful