Yup...there is a problem.
When I searched for Folly Beach for 10 guests, your listing never appeared. If this just started happening, I would guess it has something to do with the 2024 Winter software release and how the algorithm determines distance from either a landmark attraction "Folly Beach" and your actual distance from it in relation to the listing's legal address. Your listing seems to be further away from "Folly Beach" but your legal address might still be Folly Beach. You can see the initial search results show all the listings clustered close to the words "Folly Beach" on the map. You appear to be further away. The map below is not Airbnb's results map, but if you look on Airbnb you'll see all the listings on the initial search results clustered around the word "Folly Beach":
This is Airbnb's initial search results map results for "Folly Beach, SC":
This is a software problem that only Airbnb can correct I'm afraid. The search algorithm is probably prioritzing the center of the city of Folly Beach, instead of the whole Folly Beach area. I'm sure there are other properties affected as well. Here's what might be difficult to correct. Something has changed with the algorithm and how it classifies your listing using the legal address and also how it returns results for "Folly Beach". Only Airbnb can correct that. The algorithm criteria is too tight for the location "Folly Beach, SC". This is probably part of the changes made to further customize guest searches in the 2024 Winter Release.
I hope you have the listing on other platforms? Below is a search results map for another platform and you can see the listings are NOT clustered around the word "Folly Beach", but show many more listings in the initial search results map: