
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Amenities description - Wifi

Amenities description - Wifi

When creating a listing, the only option pertaining to Wifi amongst the amenities is "available throughout the listing" 


This is potentially very misleading, most homes don't have 100% Wifi coverage throughout and there are inevitably areas where Wifi is very poor or not available.


Surely it's not a good idea for Airbnb to mislead guests like this, it's the only option available to hosts when selecting the amenities applicable to their listings and therefore many probably choose it even when Wifi isn't "available throughout the listing".


Unfortunately the "Ambassadors" at Airbnb, unsurprisingly, can't help.

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Cave0 If you haven't got wifi throughout then add this fact to your description. Not sure what else you would expect Airbnb to do.

Run a speedtest in several rooms and take screenshots of the results.  Then edit the screenshots with the room names like  “Kitchen” or “Bedroom 1” and  post the screenshots in your photos. 

Hi @Cave0 


Great suggestions from @Marianne89 & @Mike-And-Jane0 !


I would also add the limitations of your WiFi coverage to the Other Details Section of the Listing AND in the Guest Safety Section/Property Information/Amenity Limitations. I would say something like: 


"Our WiFi speed averages xxx Mbps through out most of the property. However, it may be limited on the deck or in the basement areas."


Amenity Limitation 2.png

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey @Cave0,


This is a great question and some equally great answers from @Mike-And-Jane0@Marianne89  and  @Joan2709.  Did any of the answers help you resolve the issue? If so, it's always a lovely gesture to mark it as the best answer. It's like a big virtual hug to the member who supported you. 😊


If you need any help, just shout.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

I don't think it would be very hard to get wifi in all parts of your house. You can try various things. Maybe get a professional to help. 

If you feel your Wi-Fi  does not have sufficient coverage, buy a Wi-Fi extender, as it will solve the problem.  It was designed to send Wi-Fi  signals to dead spaces in homes.


Extenders are plug and Play, and Do not require professional to install, many options at many price points and available online. 


Recommend you fix the issue vs. make notations about the slow Wi-Fi in your home.  Working wifi in every room is a basic feature guests expect for free as part of the room price. .