Can I advertise my house in a different listing?


Can I advertise my house in a different listing?

My property is up on Airbnb at the moment, for individual rooms.  But for one month (August) I want to put it up for listing as the whole house, with a different description, and length of time. Then block out the days on the original listing.  Is that possible? 

It doesn't seem possible to adjust it just for August.  

Top Answer
Level 10
Greenville, SC



You can create a listing for the house, and then link the room listings within the house listing using the “Airbnb Calendar Linking” option under the house calendar/Settings/Availability. This will set up the house as a “parent” of the rooms.


Alternatively, you can just set up a new listing for the house, with no availability, and then unblock August. Then, in the rooms, block August. 


The former has the advantage that you can have a combination of room bookings and house bookings. The Airbnb software will sync them so that booked dates in one will render them unavailable in the other.

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2 Replies 2
Level 10
Greenville, SC



You can create a listing for the house, and then link the room listings within the house listing using the “Airbnb Calendar Linking” option under the house calendar/Settings/Availability. This will set up the house as a “parent” of the rooms.


Alternatively, you can just set up a new listing for the house, with no availability, and then unblock August. Then, in the rooms, block August. 


The former has the advantage that you can have a combination of room bookings and house bookings. The Airbnb software will sync them so that booked dates in one will render them unavailable in the other.

Hi Pat, 

thanks so much - i will give that a try! 


all the best, 
