Can someone please help me?

Can someone please help me?

One potential guests wishes to book for approx. 8 weeks, but this is complicated by the fact that there is already a week booked within  the time frame he wants.


Another guest wishes to book for 4 weeks, but only 4 days in each week.  Can  she still take advantage of my discount?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


So the first guest can not book 8 weeks. (You can not cancel the 1 week reservation as you will receive penalties, like the dates blocked permanently).


The second guest need to book 4 reservations. 

Which discount are you referring to ?

@Caroline1064  you are probably referring to monthly discounts but discounts are given for each booking longer than 30 nights. In this case, your guest would have 4 bookings x 4 nights so she will not get a discount

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Caroline1064 depending on your market the 4 weeks of 4 days per week may well make sense. Assuming it is Monday through Friday that would then give you the 3 days of each weekend to find another guest.

If you want to incentivise this guest you can easily discount the 4 days of each week.


Of course if your market is one where its easy to fill weeknights but not weekends you shouldn't agree to a discount.