Cancellation policy


Cancellation policy

Hi there - I have just posted my first listing and am a brand new host! 
we are looking forward to welcoming our first guests!

can I please ask in general which cancellation policy you all use?

we have selected firm but have had a request from a potential Booker to switch to flexible because of risk of increasing covid cases 
reluctant to do this as it opens the doors to all sort of cancellations. 
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as to how you have handled this. 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Guests can have travel insurrance (even offered now by Airbnb) to limit there risks for cancellation.

"Moderate" or "Firm" cancellation policies are very common and guest who do not like them should shop esewhere instead of asking to change it.

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Guests can have travel insurrance (even offered now by Airbnb) to limit there risks for cancellation.

"Moderate" or "Firm" cancellation policies are very common and guest who do not like them should shop esewhere instead of asking to change it.