Category denied (again)

Level 2
Bordeaux, France

Category denied (again)


This is a desperate message to the community to help me find a solution !

I have requested the beach category 4 times and got every time rejected. 

My property is 50m away from the sea and 30m from the sand. All possible information (title, reviews from customer, amenities, description, etc.etc.etc.) are all indicating this characteristic. I've shared google maps screenshots, more pictures to the CS but nothing !

I have modified photos (tried different each time), put precise location, nothing. Whilst i see listings in the neighbourhood 300m from the beach having the category listed.

Of course the customer support has been contacted them 100 times and helpless or closing chat abruptly.
Its inefficiency is beyond imagination. 

I don't know what to do anymore.
many thanks for your help

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bergamo, Italy

Ciao @Thomas3832 ,


did you try making your request via Elevate?



Ciao Andrea.

Yes of course 4 times. 
Then waiting One month to get the answer.

Always denied for no reason

Level 2
Bordeaux, France

Customer support just replied to me saying they had several issues with the category system.

It is under upgrading / modification or whatever the tech team is doing on it.
It should shortly solve this issue !

Let's cross fingers.

@Thomas3832 as a matter of fact I also have a category under review in Elevate since October 24 ...




P.S. when responding please use the "@" this way I get a notification 😉