I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbn...
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I have moved all of my locks to direct connection with airbnb. I am now running into a problem attempting to connect a second...
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As a Newbie host, I need objective help with our main photo . We have a lovely little remote farm get away here, the location is very private, surrounded by woodland and fields, our farmhouse cottage is cosy and clean with wood stove and woodland deck. Decor theme is 'farm to table living' which I've focused the decor and experience on - providing a farm cooked breakfast etc. However here is my problem - the outside of the property just doesn't capture this... the siding is mismatch in colour and style and to me, doesn't look very cute) its not something I can change very soon... would any of you advise to put an internal photo, or an arial photo as the main photo or just go with what we have got? If any of you have come across other properties similar in theme to what I'm going for ( that I can take inspiration from in terms of external presentation) I'd appreciate seeing any photos/links... thanks so much for sharing your experience and wisdom!!The little pallet farmhouse
here is the link to our listing.
You can use the search function on Airbnb and the advanced search criteria to find similar listings to yours for inspiration in your area @Carrie643
Thankyou @Helen3 ! I'm still learning my way around here so I will see if I can find that feature, great idea!! Appreciate you reaching out... going to look now 🙂
Hey, I like the photo that you have for the cover photo, but I am wondering if there isn't a possibility to show off the "woodland deck" better and feature that as the main shot?
I saw the photo that you have of the deck which appears to be taken from right next to the house, but I am wondering if you can get a better "master shot" that includes the deck and the house?
Even if you don't decide to use that as your cover shot, it might be a nice just to have it so that folks understand where the deck is located (I assume it is off the dining room outside the double doors, but I had to work this out). Speaking of Double doors, I don't know if the photo of just those doors from outside is really needed and one from further out would be a good replacement for that one.
Also, I would move all the photos from "aditional photos" into the appropriate room (dining area, kitchen, etc). Finally, maybe add desriptions to each photo (not within the photos themselves necessarily, but in the desription that Airbnb allows. That is a good place to call out anything that may not jump right out in the photos.
I hope this helps!
Thankyou Chris,
This is super helpful feedback and sort of confirms what I was thinking!! Making the most of the deck to woodland view is what I need to capture in a better way. I thought of a shot of the breakfast table with doors open looking through the doors onto the deck and out to the woods maybe... I'll have to wait for the snow to go first though lol!!
Will sort the additional photos - I think they were auto arranged but yes I will categorise and label...
thanks again for taking the time to review,
much appreciated
From everything I have learned I would say you do NOT want to let airbnb automatically sort everything for you as that makes you lose control over what the first 5 shots are, which is really important on desktop viewing if you get a click from the first shot.
So, put them in the order of: Cover Photo + best 4 photos. Then put them in an order that makes sense and think critically about what every single photograpgh is doing for you and if a different/better shot is needed to show what you are trying to show (or show off) in that photo.
When you do this, Airbnb is going to throw most of them into "Additional Photos." Go in to each photo and Move it from Additional into the "space" that makes the most sense (living room, deck, bedroom, etc). That way you get to control the order thay are shown AND airbnb knows which room they are in.
Again, I alway write a description for each, otherwise the caption is the name of the photo which might be some random gibberish printed on the screen.
Finally, one of the biggest lessons I lhave earned on photos is "if you don't show it, they don't know it."
I cringe everytime I look t the photo of my fridge with a pitcher and ice trays. I added the text so at least now people know why the photo is there (plus it breaks up the giant blob of white that is that photo). Even though I cringe, I leave that photo in the mix as it is "doing its job" in showing a thing that people might care about.
I love a lot of your photos, you clealy understand lighting and staging and know how to compose a decent photograph and so now you just need to thnk critically about each shot and what you need to show people.
I hope this helps!
I agree, I think the pictures you have are great but it looks like you were still building the deck....add new pictures of the deck, maybe with a table/chair and wine glasses!
@Carrie643 I'm sorry, but the house plants are not doing your decor any favors. Truly. It's nice to have a spot of green here and there- I get it- but they look half dead and the one in the plastic bin by the kitchen window? Uggh. (sorry)
I also feel that way about the rack/antlers stacked in front of the wood stove. I get that you have a decor theme, but you've just put something in the way of a functional piece of equipment in your AirBnB. I have a wood stove, and right in front is the prime position for lighting it, feeding it, etc. You may have gone overboard on the antlers.
I'm also going to ask why you have so many beds in the second bedroom? You may want to think about who your target market is. I think a family or two couples. That second bedroom isn't really set up for adults. Could you rethink the furniture a bit? Could you put a bunk bed to the side, and have a double or queen in there and leave it at that?
Is that a fluorescent light in the main bedroom? I think you should put a floor lamp in there in addition to the bed lamps. Nobody likes fluorescent light. Maybe remove the pic where that light is on, and take one with softer light from a floor lamp. It's a little busy in there with all the curtains.
Hey- also, use the About This Space area to describe the house itself, and the basics of what's there and how it flows, i.e. "the second bedroom is off the kitchen and has a barn door" or similar.
There's actually a lot of room to describe the home and elaborate on things guests might want to know, but AirBnB kind of hides it. Most people think they are limited to 500 characters, but there's lots more room. Dig around and you'll find it.
Last, if you want the porch to be a focus of your brand and illustrate your outdoor space, definitely invest in some good porch furniture and take new pics. Right now it looks kind of neglected. THEN take that pic that shows off the deck and outdoor space. I scoured Craig's List and Marketplace for some really primo porch furniture, and got some fancy stuff at a really good price. A couch guests could nap on was my goal, and I got it.
Definitely use the captions feature for your photos. I wish you every success, and apologize in advance for my strong opinions.
@Kia272 thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a thorough review and, in business, strong opinions are so much more helpful! I really appreciate honest perspective... things that you start to 'not see' like the sorry Avocado tree and the bathroom bulbs / antlers etc - when you see them every day, they just start to blend in! I didn't even think about how they would impact a guess impression, but it would totally impact my impression of someone else's place!! Lol...I've been making notes and compiling a to do list so thank you, its very helpful and practical feedback.
Yes those are fluorescent lights - aren't they awful! Our little guest house is a transformed workshop hence the shop lights.... I plan to replace them in time but right now as you suggest but I am going to rework the pictures so as not to draw attention. I will say they are great lights for doing your makeup ( lol).
I'm still finding my way around the app so thanks for mentioning the 'about this space' feature, I will definitely look into that - I assume it would also have some SEO impact?
Great idea on the deck furniture - I think my wow shot has to involve the deck and outside space so I'm making plans ( once the snow has gone) to re create that shot... Craigs list is a great idea - on my to-do list!
thanks once again for all this, I have a lot of notes and plan to get busy on this asap!
Best wishes
Hello @Carrie643, and good luck with your new hosting venture. I'm fairly new myself but I've had steady trade over the last month or so. I have created a montage photo of my place and it seems to help. Otherwise my front view of my place would miss a lot of interest and the inside, which is to a high standard - could you try something similar and see how it goes?
Hi @Stephen1915 , thank you for reaching out, you have a beautiful vista from your garden, definitely a wow shot for your profile photo! Funny that you are from Stocksfield, I grew up in Newcastle upon Tyne ( church high school) but have lived overseas most of my adult life - fewer places come close to Northumberland for natural beauty (IMO). Yes I'm thinking an outside inside shot looking out to the deck is what I need to create - after we get rid of the snow! Thanks again for checking in and well done on your initial bookings - that's great!
What a small world!
Can't agree more that Northumberland is beautiful. We feel very lucky to live here.
I know Church High - our daughters went to the rival Central High!
I hope you have gotten off to a great start on AirBNB.
Hi Carrie
Personally, I'd dive into your aesthetic - you've called your place 'the little paljet farmhouse" I'd do a close-up from the front of the potted plants, looking up at the front door and that wall face showing the change in wood cladding - I'd curate this focus by building on the fact that this is a sustainable building (which perhaps you've constructed from pallets?) and push that as part of your aesthetic, rather than try to eschew it. I'd also curate better shots of the inside space, focusing on the small details like removing wrinkles from bedding and soft furnishings and doing some textual close-up shots - I think all listing's benefit from professional photography, so when the budget allows I'd go for this option too.
Lastly, I'd focus on the experience as it relates to your animals and animal husbandry if this can be built into your appeal - good luck.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
Hey @Tracey678 Thanks for taking the time out to send feedback, I really appreciate your attention to detail. Its amazing from all the feedback that things that you start to 'not see' like the sorry Avocado tree and the bathroom bulbs / antlers etc - when you see them every day, they just start to blend in! I didn't even think about how they would impact a guess impression, but it would totally impact my impression of someone else's place!! Lol... so I've been making notes and compiling a to do list so thank you, I'm going to try include more 'story' shots that relate to the concept of farm details... and I love the idea of close up textural shots.
Unfortunately, though I would love if the name related to the building being built sustainably, its actually a converted shop - the name of our farm "little pallet farmhouse" ties in with our social media and was borne of my husband being a carpenter... we started out our DIY life from a pile of wood pallets!
I like the idea of a door and plants shot, will definitely get onto that once this arctic freeze passes!! Thankyou again for your feedback, much appreciated, Carrie
Hello Carrie and Welcome, welcome. I like the outside of your house. And trust me , we all know what we can afford and cant at a particular time.🙂 We have to use what we have to get what we want. Trust that God has given us all that we need and is preparing to give you more. just keep the faith and don't give up.
Don't be too hard on yourself about the colors of your exterior because it really doesn't look bad at all.The paint looks fresh and clean and the yard looks clean as well. You may be able to borrow a couple pieces from the inside of your house and place them on the outside to give it that " Your'e at The Farm House" look.