Critique my listing - Fiona from Golden Beach, Queensland

Critique my listing - Fiona from Golden Beach, Queensland



Hi Everyone, 

Would love some feedback on my listing...New to Hosting ~ Do I have my price/night correct?

Anything I can add to improve??

Thanks for your help

@Paul1255 @Stephanie 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Fiona736  Your listing isn't viewable.

Ooops......I'm definately a newbie:) 

Thanks @Sarah977  is that because I haven't selected publish yet??

I thought I'd get some feedback prior to listing but happy to publish

so you guys can see 

@Fiona736  Yes, it is because you haven't published yet, so it is only visible to you. 

Once you publish, it takes about 24 hours for it to go live on the main Airbnb site, but other hosts will be able to see it by clicking your link. So you will still have time to work on it, and of course you can go back and edit after it goes live.


Also, unless a host has more than one listing, and are asking for a critique on a specific one, we can see your listing by clicking on your profile photo here, and then clicking through to your profile page, where your listing will appear as soon as you publish it. 


You can see all other host's listings and reviews like this. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Fiona736  PS. In case you aren't aware, Instant Book is turned on by default on new listings. I would suggest that you turn it off to start with (ignore all Airbnb's dire warnings about what a bad idea this is- it isn't) while you make any changes or improvements you need to. 


There's nothing worse for a host to have some guest Instant Book your place 5 minutes after you list it, while you are still figuring out the ropes, who turns out to be a bad guest.


It's terrible when a host's first booking turns out to be a horror show, so turn your settings to require guests to send Requests.  That way you can have a chance to check them out before deciding whether to accept their booking. 


Hosts here can advise you on vetting, too, and there are threads you can find by using the forum search engine on "Red Flags" and other useful stuff.

Thank you so much @Sarah977  advice very much appreciated:)

They do make it seem disastrous to turn it off!

@Fiona736  Ha. I have never used IB, not ever. 

Important to realize that their warnings and suggestions are intended to get hosts to facilitate bookings rolling in as fast and furiously as possible so they can rake in their srvice fees. It has nothing to do with you being a successful and happy host attracting stress-free guests.


Their price tips are also to be ignored- they are absurdly and insultingly low. They suggest that guests are "likely to pay" almost half as much as my listing price that guests happily pay and feel they are getting a good deal.


I don't know which guests are "likely to pay" $22CAD for my $36CAD listing, but they aren't guests I would likely want to host 🙂