Critique my listing - Kailani House in Garden City Beach, SC

Critique my listing - Kailani House in Garden City Beach, SC

Hi All!


My name is Jennifer and my husband and I are Super hosts. We have a great listing in Garden City Beach, SC. However, getting listings during the mid-season and off-season is particularly challenging (September through April in particular). We have lowered prices, have instant book turned on, and only have a 2 night minimum. Any other suggestions for helping us improve our listing for these seasons would be very welcome.


Here is the listing:


Thanks all!

30 Replies 30

Hi Jennifer,


Thank you for reaching out to me! I checked out your photos and the only thing I'd add would be rugs at the base of the beds and maybe an orchid on the kitchen counter.


I hope that helps!  Best wishes with your property!

