Critique my listing - (Lavanya and California)

Level 3
Los Angeles, CA

Critique my listing - (Lavanya and California)


My trouble point is not every guest follow the house rules even after mentioning them. I am not sure if they really want to leave the place clean and follow house rules. Some leave the place clean and some very dirty. How do I make sure they follow the  house rules.




(Content modified by OCM)

Top Answer
Level 2
Bull Bay, United Kingdom

@Lavanya5 it’s one of those things that you have to learn to not worry about! There’s nothing that you can do about it unfortunately as guests will be guests!!

For every bad one there are thirty, or more, good ones. I know that it’s the bad ones that seem to be the ones you will remember, but the huge majority of guests are just lovely. So enjoy those and forget the bad ‘uns, they aren’t worth it!

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19 Replies 19



Unfortunately, from my short experience, it's one of those things you'll have to put up with. Service accommodation is a lottery . 


20 fantastic guests and 1 not so good 🤷🏽‍♀️


No amount of rules will change these.


So just chill and roll with the  punches:oncoming_fist: is my motto  !



When it comes to cleanliness, there is nothing you can do to make them clean.

At least with Airbnb you can rate the guests after their visit.

Level 1
Tirana, Albania

fino adeso la mia casa lo trovata sempre in ordine sono tanto contenta con airbnb 




Up to now I have always found my house in order, I am very happy with airbnb


[Google translation added by OCM]

Level 2
Kızlan, Türkiye

Merhabalar öncelikle evinizin temiz bırakılmasını sağlamak için karşılama mesaj içeriğine küçük temizliğe ilişkin hatırlatmalar yapabilirsiniz..


Karşılama sırasında evi gezdirirken tanıtım aralarında temizlikle ilgili kuralları tekrarlamanız faydalı olabilir..


Ziyaret sırasında evde bir sorun olup olmadığını kontrol eden hatırlatıcı mesaj yazmanız misafirlerinizin dikkatli davranması konusunda yardımcı olacaktır.


son olarak misafirleriniz evi terketmeden önce anahtar teslimine gitmeden kendinizin bulunması temizlik açısından önemli bir tutum değişikliği yaratır .


Biz evimizin girişine çöplerinizi attığınız ve evinizi temiz bıraktığınız için çok teşekkürler yazılı bir hatırlatma mesajı yapıştırdık . bu not çöp ve kapı girişinin düzenli tutulmasını sağladı.


airbnb rezervasyon onayından sonra 

evimizin güzellik kuralları şeklinde bir yazı diziside misafirlerinize atabilirsiniz etkili olacaktır.




Hello, first of all, you can add small cleaning reminders to the welcome message content to ensure that your house is left clean.


It may be useful to repeat the rules regarding cleaning during the introduction breaks while touring the house during the welcome.


Writing a reminder message to check if there is a problem at home during the visit will help your guests to be careful.


Finally, being there before your guests leave the house to hand over the keys will create a significant change in attitude in terms of cleanliness.


We posted a reminder note at the entrance of our house saying, "Thank you very much for taking out your garbage and leaving your house clean." This note helped keep the garbage and door entrance tidy.


after airbnb booking confirmation 

You can also send a series of articles to your guests in the form of the beauty rules of our house, it will be effective.


[Google translation added by OCM]



Hi, @Villa-Rengin0 


I think this would be a great idea of posting a reminder on back side of the door that reminds the everyday to leave the place clean. This might help to some extent.


Thank you! 

Hi @Lavanya5 😊


I’m glad you’re receiving so much feedback!


A tip to help you maintain better conversations with other Hosts is to always mention them in your replies by using this 👉 @ and add their name.



Warm regards🌻,


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Hi @Elisa , Thank you for the feedback. I figured out how to respond. 

Hello @Lavanya5 


Unfortunately, that is one of the mysteries of the Airbnb world. I discovered that you can have a guest with 5 star and still be dirty. 

one extra step I’ve done is to send (one day before they check out) a quick check out list as a reminder of the things we expect before they check out and it has helped some.

good luck with everything 

Hi, This is a fantastic idea of sending reminders before check out day. I will definitely try this one.

Yes, it is hit or miss for the most part. I get people that keep the place clean follow the rules and then so I’m just don’t. I just feel like they don’t look at the list of things to do. I did read and a lot of these replies in which there are some great ideas like putting little notes saying thank you for staying and keeping my place clean and then sending a PDF after they check in of the house rules and make sure they reply back but they seen them. Great ideas I am going to implement now. 

Level 2
Baltimore, MD

I agree with many of the replies here. Guests often don’t read the house rules. You might consider sending them as a separate pdf and asking them directly if they have read them. Ask to reply yes or no. I haven’t done this but it may work. At least for your most important house rules

Hi @Vicky183 , I totally agree with you. A reminder might work. Thank you!

Level 2
Orlando, FL

These replies offer some great ideas that I’m going to implement as well. 
some people read the rules and some do not some are cleaner than other people. 

Sometimes I just can’t believe what I’m seeing for example,  by not being careful of their children that have food on their hands touch the fabric furniture. And not even trying to clean it up is shocking.   Luckily, I’ve scotch-guarded everything and it comes out easily, but it’s still very puzzling.  I guess we’re all just different people. So with that being said, I just roll with the punches take the good with the bad. 

HI there @Lavanya5 -- if this is a private room inside of a 3 bedroom house, it's not clear from your listing  if they also have access to a joined/communal living area and a kitchen with you, or only the mini fridge and coffee maker.   


Also, can you share more about how they are leaving a mess?  I am a little confused about what they are doing that is "dirty" so if you can clarify what areas you are speaking of, and what they are leaving undesirable, I can try to help.  Do you have policies visible about how to check out?


I don't have instant approval on my listing, so I can have a chat with them before I approve.  I also have language that says "this is my home, and it's not a hotel, so for first time guests, I like to make sure we are on the same page about what to expect and how to leave it." I tend to not accept first time guests or guests who have no reviews or who have not left host reviews, because they tend to think of it like a motel.  Additionally, it's important to put in your listing about "no parties" and "no extra guests" without permission and extra fees, as well as pets, to ensure no surprises.   I had someone sneak in an additional 4 people and trash my place, and I should have followed my intuition about them when they were asking questions that were unusual.  I have language and pricing in my listing so I was able to appeal to airbnb to have them pay for extra cleaning and damages because they had more people, so a per person fee, extra laundry and cleaning, and broken table.   With your spare room, you likely won't have that happen, but it's good to have in your digital handbook so you have some protection. Airbnb won't support you unless you have it in your listing, and they have to read it to book, or have to sign a contract after they book (which we are allowed to do, as long as we list the contract terms in the listing as well.)


My biggest gripe about airbnbs is when hosts do not print directions.   I think it's important to have a PRINTED guest manual, in addition to a matching digital guest manual in the app.   Many people ignore the instructions in the app. I have it printed, laminated and in a small binder or in plastic placards in the house, depending on what it is, i.e. directions for the washing machine or TV remote, directions for checkout, go on placards, and the other things like local restaurants, instruction manuals, etc. go in a binder.   I always have phone numbers for our team printed by the door on a placard or in a picture frame, inside the same card as the WIFI, so I know they will look for it.  That is a good trick by the way, to only give the wifi code on placards that have information you want them to see.  You can have a welcome message, wifi and check out bullet list all on one card if you like. 


For check in and check out instructions, I send them messages via the Airbnb app, that you can pre populate to copy and paste;  I text it to them the day before arrival and departure.   I meet them at check in or have my local manager check them in, and tell them we  check IDs for insurance, and then that also preempts them trying to bring in extra people or underage people with alcohol for parties, but I am booking whole places.  I do find that in general, across all of the homes I have hosted, I find people take much better care of my home when I check them in, and they have to put a face with the home!  I also list in the instructions that we will stop by to do a check out walk through (but we never do, it's more preventative than anything.)   When I text them to say we'll stop by to check them out and get keys, it ensures they do the check out list!  And then, unless we have doubts they will leave it as requested, we will send them a text that morning, an hour or two before checkout time, to say they can just put the keys through the letter box or leave inside.   Again, with your home, this may not be relevant since it's a private room. 


Most of all, for you, I think you could do what I do which is to have a short check out instructions list that I print and put in a plastic placard in a highly visible place.   

I did not see any instructions in your listing, so if you want to post what you send them after booking, I can react to it.   I typically tell them what to do with the beds, towels, trash, dishwasher and lights/heat.   If they need you to strip the bed, tell them that early after they check in, so they are not surprised late night before they leave, and then send a reminder before they leave with a thank you note.    If you have it built into cleaning that they don't need to strip the beds, tell them so, and if you need them to put the used towels somewhere, like the bathroom floor, or the laundry room, tell them that, and ask them to remove trash and put it outside in the bin.  I also ask people to empty the fridge / kitchen of any opened and unused food or items, and specifically say that if they want to leave UNOPENED unused items for the cleaner, they can do so.  If you have lights or AC to worry about, and windows to close or doors to lock, mention that, and if you have a washer/dryer and/or safe, remind them to check it for left items.   I usually ask them to load all dishes in the dishwasher and run it before they leave, but again that may not apply to your listing.   


If there is anything that is complicated, we send them videos via the WhatsApp host group, that I set up between the guests, my handyman and my local friend who is my co-manager when I am out of the country.  That helps them with things like the locks, digital thermostat, and a general tour around the place.  Yours seems more simple so you wouldn't need that.  


Hope that helps!   Tracy