Critique my listings - Susan from New Jersey

Critique my listings - Susan from New Jersey

My name is Susan **. I have 3 listings on Airbnb. This is the only platform I use. I love this platform. I would like it if you could critique my listings. My goal is to get more bookings. My listings are in New Jersey and summer seasonal. I do offer off season as well, but the area is really a summer time area. I have two houses on the same property, a front house and one behind it. I rent them separately and together. 

Below are my listings:


Cozy Cottage - View on AirbnbCottage in Wildwood · ★4.81 · 3 bedrooms · 3 beds · 1 bathroom


Rent on Rio Grande - View on AirbnbHome in Wildwood · ★4.96 · 3 bedrooms · 6 beds · 2 bathrooms


Twice as Nice - View on AirbnbHome in Wildwood · 6 bedrooms · 9 beds · 3 bathrooms


I tried to post the link for each one but got an error message. 


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you, 



**[Sensitive content edited and links added by Community Manager]

11 Replies 11
Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

Cozy cottage- I would allow max 6 guests instead of 7, but 4 would be even better considering only one bathroom. You only have 6 dining chairs.  I’m confused about the sleeping arrangements. I only see one double bed and two single beds. Perhaps more pictures are needed. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Thank you so much for stopping by @Dawn241 and for taking the time to look at @Susan4467's listings. 😍



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Thank you for responding. There is a California King Bed, a full size bed and a twin bed. So probably should sleep 5. Thank you for your feedback. 

Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

Rent on Rio grande- again I think 11 guests is too many, I’d allow max 8. You have 8 dining chairs and 2 bathrooms. Airbnb says 2 people per bedroom (you state you have 3 bedrooms) plus 2 in a common space like living room sleeper sofa= 8. Remember guests can bring infants free of charge. Also, if your jurisdiction requires license and fire /safety inspections they will tell you the max amount of guests you are allowed. 

Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate it. 

Level 10
Sierra Vista, AZ

Twice as nice- okay, I see this is both houses rented together. Using the formula of 2 guests per bedroom plus 2 in common area-living room six bedrooms=12 plus 2 living rooms = 4. That’s 16. You are stating you allow 18. Airbnb has a max number of guests per listing of 16. 

I personally wouldn’t have more than 4 guests per bathroom, with that said, max total would be 12 if I was renting. 

Thank you, 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hey there @Susan4467 👋


@Dawn241 has left some really helpful comments here. Have you had the opportunity to review any of the listings with Dawns advice in mind? 

Looking forward to hearing from you, 

Rebecca 🌟




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Hi. Yes and I am going to make some adjustments to my listings. Thank you very much.

Top Contributor
Malmö, Sweden

Hi @Susan4467 ,

What a charming place you have. I believe it would be beneficial to highlight the fantastic location and proximity to the sea to potential guests in one of the first pictures. For example, consider taking a drone photo like this one:



When looking at your pictures, one tends to focus indoors, but I imagine your place encourages outdoor activities. I would suggest turning the camera around to capture more sunlight, perhaps take more photos from the terrace, possibly with a couple of attractive drinks? I might also take a photo with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the foreground on the living room table, etc., to add a bit more life. It's also possible to brighten the images a bit to make them look more "real estate-like."





I hope you find my suggestions helpful.

Best regards,

@Karen4131 Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I really appreciate it! That was great advice! 🙂