Custom check-in / check-out days by season?

Level 2
Harpenden, United Kingdom

Custom check-in / check-out days by season?

Hello Community!

I have been hosting for a while and I have a new property which I would prefer to list for 7 or 14 day bookings which start and end on a Saturday. This is just for  6 weeks of the year in Summer when my usual cleaner is out of the country and I am doing changeovers myself.
I know this used to be possible (albeit convoluted!) a few years ago in the "other requirements" on booking settings, but since that bit was redesigned, I cannot see hat it is possible anymore. I have updated several parts of the property listing to ensure clients know to book Saturday to Saturday for these dates, but would be great if it was possible to customise this. I cannot be the only one that would find this helpful for a variety of reasons! Thanks in advance for your help.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Thomas2281 You need to switch on the pro tools and then set a ruleset for the weeks of interest whereby checkins/checkouts cannot take place on 6 days of the week.

OMG! You are amazing! Thanks for the quick reply and taking the time to point me to that!