Early check-in

Early check-in

A few guest have request early check-in and when I can accommodate it, I allow it. Is there any way I can change their booking to allow an early check-in so all the automated emails and door locks will grant them entry? I usually go an change the listing check-in time, but this is risky because anyone booking while I have the time set to an earlier time will think you can check-in in the morning.


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Nick2606  I can’t speak to the locks but if you mean scheduled messages there’s no way to alter that one booking. You can manually push the message through at an earlier time. 


There are some locks and door lock manager software that is integrated with Airbnb, so if dates are changed or canceled, it will update on the lock,  but for changing individual check in access time, would still need to do that on the lock or door lock manager software app.

I just send a message if it can be ready a little sooner, and change it on the door lock app, which in my case is a door lock manager that's integrated with ABB.   

Hi @John5097 ,


Thanks for that. I am still investigating door locks so I'll make sure they have those features.

Hi @Gillian166 


Thanks for the reply. How do you push the message through earlier. I usually change the time the message is sent than change it back for the next booking. Is there a way to select the message to send right away?


