Extended stay booking with set price

Level 1
San Antonio, TX

Extended stay booking with set price

I have tentative booking for 3 months with a price we agreed on. How do I get this to work? 

Top Answer


Long term stays can be great for Hosts, but they can also turn into a real nightmare on Airbnb. Be sure not to get talked into more than a 20% discount (there is a common scam related to this). As @Marie8425 says, you'll only get paid one month at a time (not the full amount of the stay) and there are alot of pitfalls to be avoided. I'll post a link to a Monthly Stay Guide that might be helpful. I would take a look at that before committing to a 3month stay.


Host Guide to Monthly Stays



That said, Hosts can do a special offer for monthly stays. Basically the guest sends you an inquiry or request to book. You then send them the special offer that includes the entire amount of the stay plus any cleaning fees (other fees). Airbnb will add their service and any taxes (if they apply):


Sending Special Offers







View Top Answer in original post

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Airbnb has a lot of support pages about longer rentals.  The key basically is you don't have a lease agreement for 3 months.  You will receive payment for the first 28 days, depending on the cancellation term that could result in a factor.  After the 28 days you maybe fine an Airbnb collects the next or the Guest may take off and nothing you can do.  For me that is my typical market and I have plans and processes in place giving a big discount is not one of my processes and work contractors my normal customer don't ask for one.  They know the system\m


Long term stays can be great for Hosts, but they can also turn into a real nightmare on Airbnb. Be sure not to get talked into more than a 20% discount (there is a common scam related to this). As @Marie8425 says, you'll only get paid one month at a time (not the full amount of the stay) and there are alot of pitfalls to be avoided. I'll post a link to a Monthly Stay Guide that might be helpful. I would take a look at that before committing to a 3month stay.


Host Guide to Monthly Stays



That said, Hosts can do a special offer for monthly stays. Basically the guest sends you an inquiry or request to book. You then send them the special offer that includes the entire amount of the stay plus any cleaning fees (other fees). Airbnb will add their service and any taxes (if they apply):


Sending Special Offers







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Hi @Rachael-V0  😊,

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