Guest Reviews

Level 2
Fallbrook, CA

Guest Reviews

For some reason I am unable to easily find the details (as in number of stars for the various categories) of a guest review. If i click around I can sometimes stumble upon it. How can I quickly and easily find out not just the review, public and private, left by a specific guest but the number of stars for "location" "cleanlieness" etc.

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Pam336 go to insights, quality, then reviews and then click on the guest and the detail pops up on the right (or at least it does on my computer)

Sometimes for a brief moment I see "Reviews" in the menu bar after clicking "Insights" but then it quickly disappears and goes to "Performance". How can i easily find and search my review details?

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

just looking at a current guest i'm hosting. in the side bar to the right, where it has her 5.0 star rating and reviews, you can click on that and it opens in a new tab with the details. 

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@Pam336  hope this helps.