As a host, if you cancel, an indelible mark appears on your reviews and in your statistics.
As a guest, you can block a host's dates and cancel as many times as you want, it does not appear on your profile.
I have had several guests hold my calendar for months, only to cancel at the very last minute, despite knowing full well in advance they were not coming. In the hopes of getting out of the cancellation policy that was stated when they booked. Or trying to get out of paying the service fees. Or pressuring me for a refund. I recently had a guest who booked months ahead and admitted, they would hold the dates until close to arrival when they would shop around and try to find a better deal and cancel if they did.
Do you think a guest's cancellation habits/history should be visible to hosts, just like his host reviews and star rating?
Like if you agree!
And make a feedback request asking for it!:
All the best everyone!