Guest with trips but no reviews

Level 7
Dresden, ME

Guest with trips but no reviews

I’ve noticed an uptick of guests with trips who have no reviews. The most recent guest has 3 trips but no reviews! I’m super confused. Up until this year I dutifully reviewed every guest. This year I’ve declined to review 2. 
I don’t understand how these recent guests have not been reviewed for ANY of their trips. When I have declined to review a guest it’s for a variety of reasons usually something about the trip was off and maybe there was an issue but no damage, the guest is essentially fine: there is no reason to ding them.  

My listing is set for instabook which the guest cannot use because they have no reviews? 
this most recent request comes from someone who is clearly a kind person who has filled out their profile with interests, and requested the booking respectfully.

are hosts just not reviewing guests for no good reason?


8 Replies 8
Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Hi @Terrill0 


 Hosts may not have left reviews for these guests. This can happen if the host forgets, is too busy, or chooses not to leave a reviews.

Level 2
Northwich, United Kingdom

My understanding (which could be right or wrong, only going with my own experience as a host) is that the reviews only appear when both the host and guest complete the reviews.


So, it is possible that the hosts reviewed the guest but you don't see them as the guest did not complete theirs.


I understand why AirBnB keep them both private until both parties have completed them, as otherwise the second to complete would be privvy to the feedback on them first and that could influence how they construct their review.


But in your scenario it could be that a guest deliberately does not complete theirs, so the host review on them does not become visible.


I would ask AirBnB about it, but you could always remove that booking restriction that you have, as that is your choice.





Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Neil763 You are slightly wrong in your thinking. Guest (or host) reviews are published on the earlier of the other party reviewing or 14 days. So reviews written will always get posted after 14 days at the latest 

Level 2
Northwich, United Kingdom

Ok, I understand.


Thanks for clarifying that for me.



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Terrill0 perhaps you have answered your own question. If you don't review everyone then I guess other hosts don't either. Far better to leave an honest review for all guests.

hi @Terrill0 ,


Some of our better guests have not had any reviews. Some of my worst guests are those that on first look seem perfect.  In the cases where info is slim, you can ask for them to sign a lease, if you aren't already doing this. This goes a long way to set expectations.


I understand the approach you took. A public scolding doesn't make sense nor does giving them 5 stars. The review systems is flawed in this way. A group with children who leave a sticky mess everywhere isn't really an issue, just part of having a listing that allows children, conversely we get groups with children who don't leave a mess at all, sticky or otherwise. There's a big difference, however, I would host both again, and just hope that the sticky group is less so. 


In all cases, you can do some extra sleuthing to determine if you wish to host a reservation. I reached out to a host who had given a 4 star review to a guest. She shared her comments and I decided to host the guest. 


You can mention to the guest, "have you had any trips, we don't see any reviews? would you mind sharing an AIRBNB listing that you stayed at?" I haven't done this tactic but have said "in the absence of any reviews would you mind sharing some additional info/whatever."


Wishing you much success,




Thank you this is very helpful @Greystone0 

I understand that hosts may forget or be too busy to review but It is very odd for it to happen (in my most recent request to book) for ALL 3 of their trips, and this "guests without any reviewed trips" issue has become common. 

We definitely need the review process to work!

I have also experienced  guests with all 5 star reviews be ...less than stellar. I've  stopped automatically giving non-responsive guests a 5 star communication rating. There isn't a problem with their communication, it just wasn't 5 stars. From a hosts perspective I'm upset if I'm missing that 5 star in any catagory...But I'm also actively seeking feedback from guests about their experience, and working hard for that 5* rating...

Ultimately We need to encourage hosts to review constructively and honestly. In this instance I'm left thinking what is the problem with this guest that hosts are avoiding reviewing her?


To be honest this is a huge concern we have as hosts. I have been talking to guests that have no reviews but trips, and most of them have confirmed that they have never used Airbnb before.