Guests keep moving furnitures and stepping on the carpets with shoes

Level 1
Destin, FL

Guests keep moving furnitures and stepping on the carpets with shoes

Guests are keep moving furnitures and stepping on the carpets with shoes dispe the message in the listing. How to handle this situations appropriate ?


 [Title updated by OCM to make it relevant to the post]

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Blagovest2 ,


Did your guests respond to your messages about it? 


Most of our members usually recommend leaving honest reviews for guests during such instances. Curious to know what you did eventually.

Do keep us posted on how it went!



Please follow the Community Guidelines

Definitely noted that in the guest review. The issue is that requires deep cleaning after those guests and usually we are fully booked with check in few hours between the guests. Makes us look bad for the next guest or we ending up refunding cleaning fees or full stays.