Highlighting listing features

Level 1
Orlando, FL

Highlighting listing features

How do I put up the little tags on the listing that show up when people search for my property? I've seen "no cleaning fee" or "pet friendly" on the listing before guests even click on the listing. Thanks!

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Malmö, Sweden

Hi @Sarah6244 

I understand your wish and need. It would certainly be great to have control over which features are highlighted on your listing, but Airbnb highlights specific features on listings based on what guests are actively searching for.


Hosts themselves do not have direct control over which tags are displayed during a search.


While hosts can fill out detailed information about amenities (like pet-friendly or no cleaning fee), the Airbnb algorithm decides which features to highlight in search results depending on what guests are filtering for and what features the algorithm finds most relevant for the user’s query.


For example, adding certain amenities like Wi-Fi, free parking, or a dedicated workspace can help listings appear when guests search for those specific features, but the decision to showcase those amenities in search results is handled automatically by Airbnb’s system. It uses data from guest preferences and filters to determine which listings to promote for certain searches.


Hope this explanation makes sense!


Best regards,