Hosting in a Different City

Level 1
Colorado Springs, CO

Hosting in a Different City

  Close to purchasing my first investment property in another city and wondering how other people have managed this kind of situation? How did you go about finding a reliable cleaning service? Did you find someone in that area to manage property and the details (making sure place is ready for next guest, restocking basic supplies, etc.) or a management company? What kind of issues did you have getting prepared to host?

  Thank you.

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

As local host groups for co-host recommendations 


as local area FB groups for cleaner recommendations 



Level 10
Austin, TX

@Scott1654 in my city there are management companies that give you a list of what they expect you to stock/purchase from them and then they take over everything (except maintenance, damage, insurance, utilities, taxes) for a 30% fee. I barely can tolerate the abb risk with handling everything myself and living on the same property, so I've never tried it myself. and on top of that I don't think I've ever seen rates that would be profitable after I gave the first 30% to someone else.