How I can share a welcome guide with my guests?

Level 2
Athens, Greece

How I can share a welcome guide with my guests?

Hello fellow hosts,

I would like to ask how I can share a welcome guide with my guests. By welcome guide I mean a pdf with instructions about the house. With visuals on how to use the coffee machine and other appliances. 


[Title updated by Community Manager for relevancy]

1 Best Answer

Hi @Ilias53 

Unfortunately, Airbnb doesn't permit embedding photos in your House Manual (something many Hosts and guests would really like). However, many Hosts do exactly as you suggested. They put photos in their House Manual and create a PDF document to send to guests via email, text or use  WhatsApp. I believe Android phones don't accept PDF documents so Hosts use WhatsApp instead. iPhones do accept PDF documents. 


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6 Replies 6

Hi @Ilias53 


Airbnb calls this a "House Manual" or "Guest Manual". This is found in the Listing Editor/Your Space then scroll down to "House Manual." I suggest you keep a backup copy of the manual in Word so you can edit it easily, then copy/paste it into this section on the listing. I didn't keep a copy of it once and accidentally deleted the whole manual from the listing!


Create Your House Manual


Add A House Manual To Your Listing




Hi Joan,


thank you so much for your reply. I have already prepared a house manual and somehow, instinctively, kept a backup on my computer 🙂 I was wondering though if there was somehow the option to add photos, so guests can have a better understanding on where's what. What would be the best practice on this? Ask for their email and send them a more informative presentation on their email? Or would this be too intrusive?

Thanks again for your time!

Hi @Ilias53 

Unfortunately, Airbnb doesn't permit embedding photos in your House Manual (something many Hosts and guests would really like). However, many Hosts do exactly as you suggested. They put photos in their House Manual and create a PDF document to send to guests via email, text or use  WhatsApp. I believe Android phones don't accept PDF documents so Hosts use WhatsApp instead. iPhones do accept PDF documents. 


well noted Joan, thank you so much for your helpful reply. Highly appreciate your time for offering feedback!

Level 2
San Miguel de Cozumel, Mexico

I couldn’t figure out how to send a pdf via airbnb, so I whatsapp it to the guests a few days before their check in date.

The option that Airbnb has for the guide doesn’t allow for it to look very good in my opinion 

I agree @Kim3671 . Many Hosts create a PDF and do the same thing. If you use a channel manager, I believe you have the option to create and send a House Manual automatically.  Many also use the PDF to create a paper manual for inside the listing, although I would suggest using a 3-ring binder and put the pages in plastic page protectors. It is cumbersome to keep a paper copy updated though, so for new Hosts I suggest they wait a bit to create a paper guide, as things will change alot the first few months. I suggest they create a simple one-page sheet with the important stuff and either laminate it or put in a nice frame until they have been operating for a few months. This way you can edit it as guests mention things, then print it after you feel you have addressed most of the issues. I understand Canva is a good software to use for a House Manual also.