Hello hosts
Today, I want to dive into a topic that...
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Hello hosts
Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s super important but could be overlooked - your listing title! ...
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I have some dates coming up I have no bookings for so I want to offer a discount I don't want to just reduce my nightly price but add that little discount tag - how do I do this
Hello @Sarah803,
You can put individual prices on individula dates or a range of dates.
Go to your calendar and click on the first date whose price you want to change.
A window with a "Start date", "End date" and "Price" box will appear on the right.
Fill in the dates and the price and click on "Save changes".
You can also specify the date range by dragging on the little "III" at the edge of the date box until you've covered all the dates whose price you want to change.
To set the price for a single date just leave the start and end dates the same.
Hi Steve
Thanks for the advice however I realise this what I want to do is not change the price of a night or nights but to put a discount flag on to let people know there is a discounted price on the place - like Air bnb offer to do occasionally and if you accept a flag is placed on the date showing a discount
Airbnb sometimes invites hosts to offer a 10 percent discount.
Only I think it is restricted to suggestions of a discount after a cancellation close to the booking date or sometimes it appears randomly in the suggestions box on your calendar page along with price tips.
You can't initiate this offer yourself, unlike some other platforms. Your only recourse would be to manual change the price.
Perhaps if airbnb did offer this pricing tool, it could be open to abuse from hosts establishing an inflated price then offering a phoney discount. (Like 99.9 % of retailers )
I think it is very disappointing we can'd do this sort of thing as it would be such a handy tool. Surely people aren't that stupid that they would look at some place and not realise that the price was already inflated - I'm sure I'm not the only person who would find this very useful if you are coming up to dates that aren't booked
I agree. We should have the ability to offer promotions on our own terms.
There's a very good reason for this - hosts would offer constant promotions, for all dates. In other words, promotions would lose their value, and renters would come to expect discounts from every rental.
But I could see it working if there was a limit - say 2 promotions per year, for no more than 2 weeks at a time, something like that. One area that should not be limited - if a renter cancels, we should be allowed to promote the dates they were going to use, esp. if they're last minute.
Totally agree, I have only started up about 3 weeks ago and already searching for the promotions tool! lol to find there isn't one.
Hello Elena,
At anytime you can offer a discount and put it into place by doing the followings:
1) go to your calendar
2) Choose starting and end date
3) On the right hand side will appear a box "Private note" press the "add button" on a right corner
4) write 10% offer
5) this will come up automatically
6) press "safe"
6) Any thing you want to add or change mention it to the box and you ask on the box you will have a straight answer. Hope this is going to help.
This won't show as a "discount". It's just a private not for the host.
This helps me a LOT even though you wrote it back in 2017! Thanks!
This is something I was looking at doing. In fact airbnb offered a 5% discount on my listing for next week, but I wanted to add it for just two days. I clicked on the offer thinking I would be able to make adjustments, but no, it was activated straight away. I now can't find any way to offer the discount. I was advised to offer a discount to my first three bookings which have now been placed, but I want to extend this discount to gain some more short notice bookings. Yes I can adjust the base price, but I think it is more appealing to offer a discount (as indeed do airbnb), it also means the discount is applied to the total room rate (including extra occupants), not just the base price. It is also better than reducing the price as I want them to know they aren't paying the normal price, which is important especially if they want to book again.. This is something the owner, not the agent, should be able to control.. there could be controls that discounts can't always be in place, or not more than 10-20%, etc to prevent mis-use.
I would very much like to discount specific days. I just had a cancellation for an extended visit coming into one of the busiest weekends of the season here, and would like to offer a "last hour" discount. Potential guests can see what the normal charge is for the specific room on other days, I suppose. If the software could manage it, it would inform the potential guest of the normal prices for the booking, as well as the discounted price. They can make a determination for themselves if the original price and the discounted price are out of bounds. (Although AirBnB tells me that *my* pricing is out of bounds, and I've given them feedback that I am offering something unique - a boutique wellness retreat with attention to toxins, all-natural materials operated by a health coach ... but that is another issue!) The notification in the discount offer of original and discounted price might get around the artificial inflation of those marketers who inflate only to deflate. Sad lot, they are. But there they are and certainly will infiltrate AirBnB, like everywhere else.
That would have been a really great tool! I was looking for it and I was directed here and it seems there is none! disappointing...