I just found out that my guest (short term 3 mths) is using ...
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I just found out that my guest (short term 3 mths) is using my Airbnb Address for applying credit cards & car loan, I'm so no...
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How do i maximise my new listing I need more bookings?
Any tips would be appreciated
Listing link 👉 Rental unit in Mumbai · ★New · 1 bedroom · 1 bed · 1 bath
[Content edited by OCM]
1. Invest in marketing
2. list on relevant STR platforms
3. set yourself up to take direct bookings
@Sid1224 Add more decor. Maybe more colorful bedding and pillows. Try to make your place stand out from the rest. Look at your competitors and see what they are doing and what you can add. Ask for reviews and pay attention to what guests are saying. Make sure you are priced appropriately. If you are struggling with bookings, lower your rate initially to attract guests and build up reviews.
@Sid1224 Be sure to monitor the prices of apartments in the surrounding area, change them moderately so that the local business is not disrupted.
Also, on specific days when there is a holiday or event in the country/city, you can make a special discount.
Control yourself as much as possible with problematic guests. So that they don't start to tell you: there is a smell of animal fur here and the like
I also don't think it would be pleasant to have a 1-room apartment, placing an animal will cause you a lot of problems.
Hi Sid, as someone here mentioned, I would add some color to apartment like colorful cushions on the sofa, fake plants etc. to make it look more cozy. I would also take better pictures, with natural lighting. Feel free to check my listing for some ideas (link below). Small touchups can make a big difference, and I think photos are very important so that people click on your listing. I hope this helps - best of luck!
Link to my listing: airbnb.com/h/sttropez7islaverde
You are doing very well according to reviews. Congratulations.
Your two reviews focus on beautiful views. No pictures show me an outstanding view. Guests can be the best advisors, what they thought great show the next Guest that might be the deal maker.
You have a kitchen add pictures so potential Guests can see.
Use the Airbnb Folders for your different rooms. More organized for your potential Guest and you can designate so Airbnb shows where you will sleep. You want to show two sleeping areas for a 4 person limit.
Dress up your listing a bit. Give an idea who is a good fit for your rental.
Dine billeder lidt virker kolde, og
det er nok på grund at det skærende loft lys som gør det.
jeg vil sætte et par søde lamper og tænde dem når der skal tages nye billeder, og så kan du lade loft lyset være tændt, men de skal ikke med på Billedet, hvis du forstår.
En sød pude i sofaen og et lys på bordet ville også gøre det mere hyggeligt.
hvis jeg har en åbning uden booking, så sætter jeg prisen ned og så kommer der som regel en booking.
held og lykke med bookinger.
Best Lone
Google Translation added by Community Manager:
Your pictures seem a bit cold, and
it is probably because of the cutting ceiling light that does it.
I want to put a couple of cute lamps and turn them on when new pictures are to be taken, and then you can leave the ceiling light on, but they don't have to be in the picture, if you understand.
A cute pillow on the sofa and a light on the table would also make it cozier.
if I have an opening without a booking, I lower the price and then usually a booking comes.
good luck with bookings.
Best Lone