I'm new and learning

I'm new and learning

I was surprised to receive my first booking because I thought I hadn't "published" my post yet. LOL. The information I put in is not what I want permanently, and I figured I would edit it when I'm ready to go live.  I intended to learn my way around the site before being active. 


The gentleman whose nine-night reservation had to be canceled was very kind and understanding when I told him Big Rock Guest House was being remodeled and unavailable.    We hope the remodel will be complete in a couple of months.  Meanwhile, I will be poking around this website, trying to learn best practices and meeting other hosts.  I learned how to block nights and cancel reservations. (smile emoji)


Thank you, AirB&B. I'm excited to get started.  

3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Melissa2801 😊

Welcome to the community center, and thank you for sharing this nice story here!


That's marvelous that you already got a reservation, and I understand that you need more time.

Where is your listing located?


Is there anything specific you’d like to learn from our hosts?

Let us know how we can help you with this! 😍


Warm regards 🌻,



Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center

Thank you for reaching out, Elisa. I'm still unfamiliar with the website, so I think I probably put the listing under Tiny Houses.  But my Air B&B is 1000 sq ft, so it may not belong under that category.  We are calling it Big Rock Guest House.  It's located in Mount Vernon, WA.


I tried to change the profile picture, but the selected photo wasn't uploaded. Most of the images are just placeholders to satisfy the photo requirement so I could move further along to learn the website before actually publishing. I don't have all the photos I will use yet. 


I read more on the site each day to prepare for the remodel's completion. I'm probably going to need help editing my information at some point. Can you help me with this when I'm ready? I'll probably have the photos by February.


Thank you again for reaching out.  Melissa



Hi @Melissa2801 😊

Thank you for letting me know!


When you’re ready and need help, don’t hesitate to ask here in the community. Our hosts will be happy to guide you through the process. 


I wish you all the best!

Warm regards 🌻,


Please follow the Community Guidelines //Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center