Cerco un aiuto come creare annuncio Co-host
Cerco un aiuto come creare annuncio Co-host
I set up my account a week ago and everything appears to be fine but it’s not showing up. Help?
You created a new listing. It is not (yet) active, it can take upto 24 hours.
If after that time period the listing still is not active, than something is wrong.
I know something must be wrong but what. I need help. It has been 10 days and it’s still not live. I have gone over the account several times and everything appears to be correct. Identify has been verified and payments have been authorized.
@Marc9197 The listing appears to be suspended. You will need to contact Airbnb to try to find out if it is. If it is they won't tell you why. Have any guests been upset recently?
They are supposed to be working on the issue. We haven’t had any guests yet because our site has never been listed., I’m totally frustrated. I don’t understand what the hold up is.
We haven’t had any guests yet. We set the account up 10 days ago and have yet to get a direct answer as to why it isn’t on line.
Sunday evening. The person that I spoke this this morning created a new ticket for this issue and said someone would reach out via email but I haven’t heard anything. I’m beginning to wonder if we made a mistake doing this. We have a cute lake front property that I know people would love. We just want it listed and I don’t understand what the hold up is. I’m ready to throw in the towel and just rent it on my own.