Is there a problem with the calendar currently? I cannot get it to pull up so I can block dates.

Level 1
Havelock, NC

Is there a problem with the calendar currently? I cannot get it to pull up so I can block dates.

I have guests requesting dates that should not be available but I cannot access my calendar to block dates. The calendar will not pull up.

2 Replies 2

Thanks for sharing this technical problem Dawn869!


I am having a similar problems with the calendar and blockings since the fall of 2022.


My problems with the calendar is that dates that I have blocked sometimes gets unblocked without me doing anything to the calendar and without me being informed about it. Yesterday and also a few month ago this caused that guests made Instant Bookings on future dates that I had blocked. I then found that these bookings were made in different, each a few weeks long, periods that had become unblocked against my will and without my knowledge. These wrongful unblockings and Instant Bookings are causing problems that has become very evident and costly for me since I have carefully blocked ALL future dates for the purpose of making changes to the listing and its pricing for all future dates.


Now I have to keep constant watch over the calendar's all future dates and redo my blockings of periods of dates that becomes unblocked against my will.


I was called by phone by Airbnb's customer service yesterday who told me that their technicians will look into my reports of these problems and that they will inform me when these problems have become confirmed and when they have become solved.


Happy New Year / Eva-Lena

I have not heard anything from the support yet but today I got the same problem all over again. The technicians evidently have not solved anything yet. This time it was dates in September that I found had become unblocked against my will and without me being informed about it. Screen Shot 2023-01-02 at 18.00.22.png