Good morning,I'm renting an apartment (first floor of my hou...
Good morning,I'm renting an apartment (first floor of my house). My house is in a company. It is an 11 years construction. I...
Hi - I have been informed that I need a CIN, but to do this you must have a SPID to access online government services in Italy, and I can't get a SPID as I'm not a European citizen or resident. How can I get my CIN? Any advice please as I'm going around and around with this, with no joy. THANKS
This is such a disaster because if I lose my listing I lose my three years of reviews with it! HELP!
I need a SPID to do that and I can't get one. I went into the local municipal building in La Spezia, I also went to the local post office and they both said NO because I don't have Italian ID.
Ciao @Jody178 ,
only if you have the CIR (Codice Identificativo Regionale) you can use the form in the link below mentioned by @Andrea6232 . Without CIR the Ministry of Tourism does not take into consideration your request.
To receive the CIR you must register in the municipality, the Region and the Police. To do this you need SPID, PEC, an Italian phone number and electronic signature.
Without residency in Italy you can only receive the SPID if you are born in Italy and have an Italian tax number. Some foreign hosts have been able to obtain their SPID by declaring that they are resident (domiciliati) in the accommodation they rent. But it is necessary to check the regional rules whether the residence is compatible with the rental of the entire apartment.
An other alternative is to contact an agency or Property Manager in Italy who will take care of these formalities for you in Italy..
This is not accurate. You can't get a SPID without Italian documents. You need a SPID to access online government services to get a CIN. I don't have Italian documents. I have. British passport with a digital nomad visa in it so I can live and work remotely in Italy, living in my own property. Yet I can't get residency. It's not about what home you have, it's about a lot of things... employment and income. Anyone can have a house in Italy and anyone can rent it when they are not in it via Airbnb, that's the point of Airbnb. Having a property doesn't guarantee you residency. I work for an employer in the UK. Why would I pay a property manager to manage my own home in Italy when I live in it?
This is all because of Brexit. The UK is no longer a member of the EU. Nuts when you think Brits can own homes in Italy, rent them on Airbnb and pay 21% tax, but not get a residency or Italian ID (to get digital ID or SPID) needed to get a CIN!
@Jody178 , maybe you could ask Jeremy at the link below how he managed to obtain the residency and subsequently an Italian ID.
Thanks! I have reached out to him. This is such a disaster. I have my digital nomad visa dn my house is my primary home... hope this helps me get the residency! Just not sure who I should be declaring this too now upon my return. The police? The ministry of interior? The commune? Ahhh.... hopefully Jeremy will help.
@Jody178 You have go to the Comune to declare your residency.
After you got your residency you can apply for your Italian ID in Comune.
I have a codice fiscali... it doesn't give me access to a SPID. I went to the Commune in La Spezia and the post office - bit said NO because I don't have an Italian ID card or residency.
Ciao @Jody178 , then, as @Angela1056 , mentioned apparently the only solution is to hire an Italian property manager 🤔
i am in italy as i write, we bought a property and were told we can easily rent it out, but now i am facing exactly what you are and no help anywhere. I spent the whole day going round and round in circle! I have applied for CiR and hopefully get CIn, i bought PEC as requested by the police to access their portal but now I have been told I also need SPIC which is impossible to obtain being uk citizen and resident. Literally feel exhausted and getting no where
Ciao @Iren1897 , this is what @Karen4370 posted in this thread:
* “I found this guy on the advocate abroad website, he's been fantastic, he has obtained my CIR and now is doing the CIN
It cost me €300 for him to do the CIR he expects the CIN to cost no more than €150 just depends on how much additional work is involved. My place is in the Lombardy region and they have a another site ROS1000 I need to register with (he sorts it all for me so its not stressful at all) He WhatsApp me and calls with updates, I would highly recommend him and he covers all of Italy whatever region and he has other Irish clients he is working with too
Hope this helps you, Good Luck ☘️”
Hello thanks for your response, is there anyway you can share his details with me please. I am absolutely exhausted with the stress of it all!