Keeping Superhost status when pausing reservations


Keeping Superhost status when pausing reservations

We have had to recently stop hosting as we've had longterm visits from friends and family overseas. As I'm also 6 months pregnant, we feel that it will be too much trying to host once our friends leave in a few weeks. Is there a way to pause people staying for the next 6 or so months without losing our Superhost status? 



Top Answer
Level 10
California, United States

Since it looks like most of your reviews are from December 2022 and before, you should be able to maintain superhost status as long as the criteria are met (check your account)... Probably through October 2023 or January 2024 depending on how many stays you hosted in the 12 months previous to each quarterly evaluation (July 1, October 1, January 1).


As @Mike-And-Jane0 mentioned, superhost status (or lack thereof) isn't likely to affect your bookings.


Hope this helps.

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3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Vanessa1705 yes - either block your calendar or pause the listing for 6 months. As long as you have enough good reviews for the last 6 months and  enough for the 3 months prior to the pause and the 3/6 months after you will keep Superhost status.

Alternatively don't worry about it as many say it doesnt affect their bookings.

Level 10
California, United States

Since it looks like most of your reviews are from December 2022 and before, you should be able to maintain superhost status as long as the criteria are met (check your account)... Probably through October 2023 or January 2024 depending on how many stays you hosted in the 12 months previous to each quarterly evaluation (July 1, October 1, January 1).


As @Mike-And-Jane0 mentioned, superhost status (or lack thereof) isn't likely to affect your bookings.


Hope this helps.

Thank you @Lenore22 and @Mike-And-Jane0  

Very helpful to know. We only just started hosting in August and haven't had any AirBnB guests since January so still learning. 🙂