LA Listing with valid Extended Home Sharing Registration Certificate - still blocked by Airbnb for short term rental...

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

LA Listing with valid Extended Home Sharing Registration Certificate - still blocked by Airbnb for short term rental...

I am a host of an LA based Plus Listing. Wanted to share this issue with other hosts and see if anyone else had the same problem and if got any support from Airbnb team or managed to find a solution.  

As of August 26th our listing is blocked for short term rental on Airbnb Platform (after getting an automated email saying " Your place has been booked for 473 nights in 2020 [...]".)


How is that possible, having only 365 nights in a year...


For over two months we were  unable to rent short term, even though we have a confirmed Registration Certificate for Extended Home Sharing, (that we applied for and paid for months in advance) and received all the confirmation/documents from LA City, saying that the house can be rented for an unlimited number of nights per year.


I spent hours talking on the phone/chat/emails with different people from Airbnb team, they keep saying that YES we are allowed to rent our property short term, but they cannot understand why the property is blocked and will send the issue to technical support. 

Its very disappointing that in over TWO months no-one got back to us with any explanation/solution or help to solve the problem.

I even emailed personally LA City department  and got a replay that they checked and everything looks good on their side, so it's definitely an Airbnb issue.


There is a big income loss because of this issue, and seems like Airbnb doe Not care anymore about their hosts. We did not receive any help from Airbnb during Covid, even with a Superhost and Plus status. 

And now this issues blocking our listing for several months, while having all documents approved to be able to rent it..  makes us think to take down our listing from Airbnb Platform altogether. 


Who will step up and tale responsibility/refund all the loss of income @Catherine-Powell   @Airbnb  ?


Please share your experience if you are dealing with similar problem and if your listing was blocked/unblocked for Extended Home Sharing?!

16 Replies 16
Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Same problem.  Has anyone been able to solve this?

I am getting a bit of action by contacting my city councilman.


I attempted to renew my extended home sharing permit online multiple times, but it wouldn't go through. After emailing and calling the office a number of times to take care of it, it expired and Airbnb took my listing down.


Nithya Raman's office got a response from them. They're telling me to reapply for a regular permit and that they will waive the 60 day wait requirement to apply for the extended permit. This is not ideal, as I tried repeatedly to renew, receiving systems errors each time. The onus is really on them.


In trying to follow their directive and start from scratch, the system fails to be able to extract the information it needs from my license, no matter what browser I use etc.


Anyone else have this issue? It's the latest annoyance!