Help! We accidentally went over our 180 day limit last year ...
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Help! We accidentally went over our 180 day limit last year and now our short term licence is getting revoked for one year. I...
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I have had a "needs attention" warning on one of my listings for almost a year. This was related to one guest who had a minor issue with his stay and gave a 1 for check in and 3 for overall. Otherwise this listing is a 5 star. I am concerned that this "needs attention" warning is preventing my listing from being pushed out by the Airbnb algorithm. Has anyone had this same issue? Does this warning ever go away? I contacted support but they were less than helpful with the matter.
@Snow-Properties0 we have a listing issue due to a 3* review. I cannot see how to get rid of this. That said we have 3 apartments and all recent stays have been for this apartment not the other two so if anything it is helping us!
The way to get rid of said listing issue is to contest the associated 3* review, and if it violates any Airbnb review guidelines, then the listing issue is also gone.
Another way is for it to naturally expire. The only issue may be that 2-3 listing issues can get a listing suspended.
Hmmmm...I have seen these "needs attention warnings" for a 3-star review and it was removed after 4 months I believe. Only Airbnb would really be able to tell you if/when that might be removed? I would guess that if you don't have several of these and your other reviews are good (overall star rating 4.8 or above), you shouldn't have an issue. However, this is all controlled by Airbnb. Have you done a recent incognito search and noted where your listing appears?
Airbnb has absolutely no idea. I’ve tried to talk to many people and no one can tell you how long it takes to not affect you.
It is concerning that it is almost a year and it still hasn't gone away.
The 1st listing issue that one of my listings received went away after around a month, give or take. Didn't try to contest this one since I kind of deserved it that time. Even though the listing issue itself went away after a month, it continued to impact the listing's search algorithm performance for the next 6 months or so.
The second time I got a listing issue was due to "urging a guest to cancel", that one was tricky to get it removed, because while I acted in the best of intentions (tried to give a guest a full refund, and helped the guest to cancel by talking to Airbnb support), for some reason the support agent put that on my account. It was tricky to get it removed, but I did eventually succeed in getting it removed. In retrospect, it is probably not a good idea to help a guest to cancel a reservation (that the guest didn't want) to get their refund, it made me question that practice lol since it was a really sweaty exercise.
The third time I got a listing issue it was related to a 1* review I got. After I was able to successfully contest that retaliatory review and get it removed, so did the listing issue.
I had the same thing happen with someone canceling. I have a warning on my account and I cannot get rid of it because I told the person who was trying to book after midnight for check in that night to Book for the next day, then stay the night then cancel it in the morning so that I could get paid for the night with my cancellation policy and then my calendar will be open for the next day. so I told them the only way around doing that is to book for the next day, stay the night and then cancel the next day after check out time. That way I would get paid for the night and then my calendar would be open to book for the next day l. I did that and now I have this on my listing and cannot get it removed. It says I encouraged the guest to cancel.